
A porous solid product containing 85-98% carbon and produced by heating carbonaceous materials such as cellulose, wood or peat at 500-600 C+é-¦ in the absence of air. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 78 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Barnes JI, MacGregor JJ, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI 2010. The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts. Development Southern Africa 27 (2) 159 - 176
Uaria-Kakujaha K, Kambatuku J 1995. Making a way through thick bush: The charcoal alternatives. Seeds: News, Opinion and insight about desertification in Namibia 1 1-7
Mendelsohn JM 2019. Chapter 8: Landscape Changes in Angola. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 123-137
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Landscape Changes in Angola.pdf 2.79 MB
Chittenden H 2019. Namibian hardwood charcoal industry. Lanioturdus 52 (1) 3-5
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Namibian hardwood charcoal industry.pdf 1.2 MB
Wilkie I, David A 2020. Namibia's bush business. 38-40
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Namibia bush business.pdf 4.67 MB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Value addition to encroacher bush wood in Namibia.
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Value addition to encroacher bush wood in Namibia_Poster.pdf 855.08 KB
Namibia Charcoal Association (NCA).
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Namibia Charcoal Association.pdf 878.38 KB
Mendelsohn JM Landscape changes in Angola. Biodiversity of Angola 123-127
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Landscape changes in Angola.pdf 1.58 MB