
The second largest of the continents, on the Mediterranean in the north, the Atlantic in the west, and the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean in the east. The Sahara desert divides the continent unequally into North Africa and Africa south of Sahara. The largest lake is Lake Victoria and the chief rivers are the Nile, Niger, Congo, and Zambezi. The hottest continent, Africa has vast mineral resources, many of which are still undeveloped. (Source: CED / AMHER)

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Displaying results 201 - 250 of 257 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Scholes M, Andreae MO 2004. Appendix II: Wildland fire eissions from Africa and their ipact on the global atmosphere. Wildland Fire Management Handbook for Sub-Sahara Africa
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Wildland fire emmissions impact global atmosphere_Scholes.pdf 969.63 KB
Rodgers A, Gsanger S 2005. Africa's renewable energy sustainability guidelines.
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Africas renewable energy sustainability guidelines_2005.pdf 264.59 KB
Anyamba A, Tucker CJ, Eastman JR 2001. NDVI anomaly patterns over Africa during the 1997/ 98 EN SO warm event. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (10) 1847-1859
Jacobson PJ, Jacobson KM, Angermeier PL, Cherry DS 2000. Hydrologic influences on soil properties along ephemeral rivers in the Namib Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 45 (1) 21-34
McKenzie RS, Wegelin WA, Meyer N 2003. Water demand management cookbook.
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Water demand management cookbook.pdf 6.36 MB
Smith AB 1993. Origins and spread of pastoralism in Africa. Nomadic Peoples 32 91-105
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Origins_and_spread_of_pastoralism_in_Africa_AB_Smith.pdf 2.25 MB
Shelley GE 1906. The Birds of Africa, comprising all the species which occur in the Ethiopian Region. The Birds of Africa V (Part 1)
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The Birds of South Africa_Ethipian Region Vol V p 1.pdf 8.69 MB
Shelley GE 1905. The Birds of Africa, comprising all the species which occur in the Ethiopian Region. The Birds of Africa IV (Part 2)
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The Birds of South Africa_Ethipian Region Vol IV p 2.pdf 12.08 MB
Shelley GE 1905. The Birds of Africa, comprising all the species which occur in the Ethiopian Region. The Birds of Africa IV (part 1)
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The Birds of South Africa_Ethipian Region Vol IV p 1.pdf 14.63 MB
Shelley GE 1896. The Birds of Africa, comprising all the species which occur in the Ethiopian Region. The Birds of Africa I
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The Birds of South Africa_Ethipian Region.pdf 10.89 MB
Reichenow A 1904. Die Vögel Afrikas. 3
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Die Voegel Afrikas Band 3_1904.pdf 55.21 MB
Reichenow A 1902. Die Vögel Afrikas. 2
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Die Voegel Afrikas Band 2_1902.pdf 48.67 MB
Reichenow A 1900. Die Vögel Afrikas. 1
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Die Voegel Afrikas_Band 1_1900.pdf 52.2 MB
Hall BP, Moreau BP 1962. A Study of the Rare Birds of Africa. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 8 (7) 313-378
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A Study of the rare birds of Africa_1962.pdf 32.97 MB
Wearne K, Underhill LG 2005. Walvis Bay, Namibia: a key wetland for waders and other coastal birds in southern Africa. Wader Study Group Bulletin 107 24-30
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Wearne_2005_Wader_St_Gr_Bull_107_walvis_bay.pdf 79.65 KB
Stevenson-Hamilton J 1917. Animal life in Africa.
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Stevenson-Hamilton_1917_Animal_life_in_Africa_3.pdf 7.58 MB
Reichenow A 1902. Die Vögel Afrikas.
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Reichenow_1902_Die_Voegel_Afrikas_atlas.pdf 6.48 MB
MacDonald AM, Bonsor HC, Dochartaigh BEO, Taylor RG 2012. Quantitative maps of groundwater resources in Africa.
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Ground water resources of Africa 1748-9326_7_2_024009.pdf 1.06 MB
Dean WRJ 2001. Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands - Angola. BirdLife Conservation Series 11 71-92
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Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands_Angola_2001.pdf 548.42 KB
Clausnitzer V, Dijkstra KDB, Koch P, Boudit JP, Darwall WRT, Kipping J, Samraoui B, Samways MJ, Simaika JP, Suhling F 2012. Focus on African freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (3) 129-134
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Dragonfly diversity Frontiers_April2012.pdf 915.34 KB
Naidoo R, Weaver LC, Stuart-Hill G, Tagg J 2011. Effect of biodiversity on economic benefits from communal lands in Namibia. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (2) 310 - 316
Sebukeera C, Muramira E, Momokama C, Elkholei A, Elbagouri I, Masumbuko B, Rabesahala V Africa Enviroment Outlook 2. Our environment, our wealth. Section 2: Environmental state-and-trends: 20 Year retrospective. Africa Environment Outlook 2. Our environment, our wealth 196 - 225
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Chapter 6_forests and woodlands.pdf 701.43 KB
Ogada DL, Keesing F, Virani MZ 2011. Dropping dead: causes and consequences of vulture population declines worldwide. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1 - 15
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Causes and consequences of vulture population declines worldwide.pdf 593.53 KB
Els JF 2000. Indigenous pigs. Do they have a place?.
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Spotlight_033.pdf 2.54 MB
Thuiller W, Broennimann O, Hughes G, Robert J, Alkemade M, Midgley GF, Corsi F 2006. Vulnerability of African mammals to anthropogenic climate change under conservative land transformation assumptions. Global Change Biology 12 (3) 424 - 440
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Vulnerability of African mammals to anthropogenic climate change.pdf 561.41 KB
2005. Mapping Sub-Saharan Africa's Future.
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africa_future.pdf 196.67 KB
Durham EL, Maslin MA, Platzman E, Rosell-Mele A, Marlow JR, Leng M, Lowry D, Burns SJ 2001. Reconstructing the climatic history of the western coast of Africa over the past 1.5 M.Y.. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 175
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West coast climate history.pdf 3.1 MB
Goudie A 2005. The drainage of Africa since the Cretaceous. Geomorphology 67 437 - 456
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The drainage of Africa since the Cretaceous_2005.pdf 1.37 MB
Craig TH 1978. A car survey of raptors in southeastern Idaho 1974-1976. Raptor Research 12 (1/2) 40 - 45
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A car survey of raptors in southeastern Idaho 1974_1976_1978.pdf 664.2 KB
PANTHERA, WildAid, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) Beyond Cecil: Africa's lions in crisis.
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Cecil Lion Report.pdf 2.86 MB
Garcia-Aloy S, Sanmartin I, Kadereit G, Vitales D, Millanes AM, Roquet C, Vargas P, Alarcon M, Aldasoro JJ 2017. Opposite trends in the genus Monsonia (Geraniaceae): Specialization in the African deserts and range expansions throughout eastern Africa. Scientific Reports 7
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Opposite trends in the genus Monsonia_Geraniaceae.pdf 4.2 MB