240404003141: Environmental Impact Assessment renewal for the operations and increase of water abstraction of Oshivelo Farming, Oshivelo, Oshikoto Region
Publication Year:

AGRICULTURE AND AQUACULTURE ACTIVITIES 7.3 The genetic modification of any organism with the purpose of fundamentally changing the inherent characteristics of that organism. 7.4 The import, processing and transit of genetically modified organisms. 7.5 Pest control. 7.6 The release of genetically modified organisms into the environment where an environmental assessment is required by law. 7.7 The release of any organism outside its natural area of distribution that is to be used for biological pest control. 7.8 The introduction of alien species into local ecosystems. WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTS 8.1 The abstraction of ground or surface water for industrial or commercial purposes. 8.2 The abstraction of groundwater at a volume exceeding the threshold authorised in terms of a law relating to water resources. 8.5 Construction of dams, reservoirs, levees and weirs. 8.7 Irrigation schemes for agriculture excluding domestic irrigation.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 25 April 2024

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