
230424001352: Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal for the operation and maintenance of Halali Resort Etosha National Park

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Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) is a state-owned enterprise, mandated to run the tourism facilities within the protected areas of Namibia. NWR has several operations across the country which are owned and managed by NWR. Some of the facilities were constructed prior to the commencement of the Environmental Management Act (EMA) (7 of 2007). As such, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) were never conducted for these facilities. However, the facilities are still required to comply with the provisions of the EMA and its regulations. It is therefore required that Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) be developed and implemented for the existing facilities. This EMP is compiled for the existing Halali Resort in the Etosha National Park.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 18 July 2023

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