
221125000441: Application for an Environmental CLearance Certificate for township establishment of Rotsvesting Extensions 4 and 5, Kamanjab Village, Kunene Region

Publication Year:

THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE IS FOR: The ‘listed activities’ that might be included as part of this development are listed below: Land Use and Development Activities o Activity 1(b) - Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Activities The construction of facilities for the transmission and supply of electricity o Activity 2.3 - Waste Management, Treatment, Handling and Disposal Activities Temporary storage and export of waste o Activity 4 - Forestry Activities Removal of protected species o Activity 8.9 - Water Resource Developments Construction and other activities within a catchment area o Activity 10.1 (a) - Infrastructure The construction of water bulk supply pipelines o Activity 10.2 (a) - Infrastructure The route determination of roads and design of associated physical infrastructure where it is a public road.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 31 January 2023

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