
221205000586: Amendment of the current ECC for the upgrade of a 5 km railway line in Walvis Bay that transports fuel (diesel and petrol) from the harbour (NamPort) to bulk suppliers

Publication Year:

LISTED ACTIVITY ESIA SCREENING FINDING WASTE MANAGEMENT, TREATMENT, HANDLING AND DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES (2.1) The construction of facilities for waste sites, treatment of waste and disposal of waste. (2.3) The import, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage, transit or export of waste. Waste generated during construction will mainly be solid waste and general waste and will be removed by either a skip or placed in bags and removed by construction vehicles. Waste will be disposed of at the nearest registered landfill site in Walvis Bay or recycling company. Portable toilet/chemical toilets and established facilities at the construction offices/camp (either to main sewage system in Walvis Bay or a septic tank) will be used during construction activities. FORESTRY ACTIVITIES (4.) The clearance of forest areas, deforestation, afforestation, timber harvesting or any other related activity that requires authorisation in term of the Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001) or any other law. Limited vegetation clearing may be required for earthworks/perway construction activities. Permits will be applied for where and if required. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE TREATMENT, HANDLING, STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION OF FUEL (9.2) Any process or activity which requires a permit, licence or other form of authorisation, or the modification of or changes to existing facilities for any process or activity which requires an amendment of an existing permit, licence or authorisation or which requires a new permit,licence or authorisation in terms of a law governing the generation or release of emissions, pollution, effluent or waste. Portable toilet/chemical toilets and established facilities at the construction offices/camp (either with a septic tank or connected to the main Walvis Bay sewage treatment system) will be used during construction activities. Hazardous waste generated during construction activities will be disposed at the Walvis Bay registered landfill site. Where large hydrocarbon spills have occurred,they will be treated in-situ before disposal consideration. The existing fuel railway line will be upgraded and amendment required to the ECC. Reasons for Amendments(s): The existing railway line between the harbour and the bulk suppliers needs to be upgraded owing to safety concerns/risks, the line reaching end of life, current components not maintainable (need to be upgraded and standardized), poor operational and drainage conditions. Environmental Clearance was granted for the railway upgrade project in October 2017, amended in November 2018 and renewed in November 2020 (see Appendix F of the amendment report). The current ECC is valid until 30 November 2023. Since the issuing of the amendment certificate, the scope for upgrading the railway Project has evolved and it was determined to include one amendment required for the Project: 1) Addition of the upgrade of approximately 6.3 km railway line in Walvis Bay that transports fuel (diesel and petrol) from the harbour (NamPort) to bulk suppliers. Subsequently, an amendment to the Environmental Clearance is required for these additional components. The existing scoping report, EMP and ECC are still valid and will be updated to include the additional 6.3 km of railway line and cover the proposed railway upgrade works. The existing environmental assessment report, EMP and ECC are still valid and has been updated to include the additional 6.3 km of railway line and cover the proposed railway upgrade works. This report evaluates only the potential environmental impacts of the additional work and EMP conditions related and applicable to these departures from the original ECC and its associated EMP. The following topics were considered for the amendment required: Surface water and drainage; Landscape (visual impacts); Socioeconomic (employment, local businesses, community, land use); Noise; Human environment (infrastructural services, traffic and transport); Air quality (including dust); Cultural heritage resources (namely historical cemetery); Cumulative impacts After evaluating and assessing these aspects and potential impacts, it was determined that all adverse. impacts sensitivity is of a low to minor significance. A beneficial major socio-economic impact was noted for local business with the upgrades to the fuel line that will improve the efficiency of the product being transported from the harbour (NamPort) to the bulk infrastructure suppliers/users and inland. This will have a positive impact nationally. It was assessed that the potential impact to the historical cemetery to the west of the site in the vicinity of the bulk fuel suppliers is minor. The servitude of the construction activities will not impede on this cemetery and mitigation measures in the EMP are specified and will be implemented. The Walvis Bay Municipality has been engaged and are informed of the planned upgrade works in proximity to this heritage site. Through analysis and identification of mitigation and management methods, the assessment concludes that the likelihood of significant environmental impact due to these amendments is low. Various best practice and mitigation measures have been identified to avoid and reduce effects as far as reasonably practicable, as well to as ensure the environment is protected and unforeseen effects are avoided.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 21 December 2022

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