
221124000417: Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for proposed Multiclient or Proprietary 3D Seismic Survey covering Blocks 2812A, 2812B, 2813A, 2813B, 2914A, 2814B, 2912, 2913A, 2913B, and, 2914B (Excluding Tripp Seamount) and 2D Seismic Survey

Publication Year:

The ECC is required by the Proponent (TGS Geophysical Company (UK) Limited) with respect to the proposed 3D Seismic Survey covering Blocks 2812A, 2812B, 2813A, 2813B, 2914A, 2814B, 2912, 2913A, 2913B, and 2914B (Excluding Tripp Seamount) and 2D Seismic Survey covering Blocks 2711, 2712A, 2712B, 2811, 2811B, and 2811A Orange Basin, Offshore, Southern Namibia. The following is the general summary of the proposed 3D and 2D seismic surveys activities with the detailed specification to be provided in the attached EIA and EMP Reports and Annexes: Proposed activities – Multiclient or Proprietary 3D and 2D seismic surveys. Location – 3D seismic survey area covers Blocks 2812A, 2812B, 2813A, 2813B, 2914A, 2814B, 2912, 2913A, 2913B, and 2914B (Excluding Tripp Seamount) and 2D seismic survey area covers Blocks 2712A, 2712B, 2713, 2812A, 2812B, and 2813B. 3D seismic survey Water Depth of the main key target area – Ranges from Ca-500m to -4000 m from east to west. 2D seismic survey Water Depth of the main key target area – Ranges from ca-2000m to -4000 m from east to west. Nearest Namibian Port –Port of Lüderitz or Walvis Bay. Nearest fishing ground –Tripp Sea Mount tuna fishing grounds (October – April fishing season). Operating company – TGS Geophysical Company (UK) Limited. Survey vessel(s) – To be confirmed and multiple vessels (2) may be used. Type of Survey – 3D and 2D Streamers. Desired acquisition time – From December for the 3D and January for the 2D seismic survey, and. Estimated survey duration –Seventy (70) days per survey event and multiple survey events will be undertaken over the next three (3) years. The following is the summary of the proposed 3D and 2D seismic surveys areas coverages: (i) 77593km2 of 3D Seismic Survey over Blocks 2812A, 2812B, 2813A, 2813B, 2914A, 2814B, 2912, 2913A, 2913B, and, 2914B (Excluding Tripp Seamount), and. (ii) 32713km2 of 2D Seismic Survey over Blocks 2712A, 2712B, 2713, 2812A, 2812B, and 2813B.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 15 December 2022

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