
Waterberg Plateau Park - What's that? The noises around the bungalows


Strange child-like cries, clicks, shrill barks, moans, giggles and thumping in the night? You have bushbabies on your roof. These tiny nocturnal primates feed on insects, nectar and acacia gum. Extremely agile, they are capable of jumping five metres and, when on the ground, they bounce on their back feet sometimes two metres into the air as if they were on springs or pogo sticks. The delicate click of hooves on stone indicates the presence of the dainty sloe-eyed Damara dik-dik. Common visitors to the bungalow areas, they nibble the lawns delicately and prune the surrounding undergrowth. If alarmed, they whistle. Only males have horns. These tiny antelope weigh barely fi ve kilograms.

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