
APP-003543: Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) renewal and transfer for the continued operation of dimension stone mining on Mining Claim No. 68793 in the Otjohorongo Area, north of Omatjete in the Erongo Region, Namibia

Publication Year:

The Renewal and Transfer of the ECC for the resuming and continued mining operations on Mining Claim No. 68793 north of Omatjete. There has been mining activities on the MC after the ECC was issued in 2015, because they were paused for some years to move material at site. During the pausing/halting of mining on the site, the ECC has since expired in 2018 and Mining Claim in 2020. Therefore, there has not been any work undertaken at the site (MC).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 8 April 2022

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