
Alpinotype thrust tectonics and basement-cover relationships in the southern margin zone of the Pan-African Damara Orogen, Rostock area

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The Southern Margin Zone of the Damara Orogen exhibits alpinotype thrust and nappe tectonics. Three nappe complexes are identified in the Rostock area: the Rostock Basal Nappe Complex (RBNC), the Rostock Cover Nappe Complex (RCNC) and the Ubib Nappe Complex (UNC). Nappe movements were intensely influenced by fluids and intrusive dolomites (Fault Dolomite), which originated from playa-type sediments. Up to five different phases of deformation are distinguished. The tectonic framework of the RBNC is compared to that of the external massifs of the Alps (Aar Massif, Gotthard Massif). The probably oldest rocks of the Damara Sequence are included in the lowermost nappe complex (RBNC), where they conformably overlie red orthogneisses of the Gamsberg-type, which possibly constitute the pre-Damara basement. The Damara Sequence consists of a succession of felsic and basic volcaniclastics that interfingers with alluvial to fluvial quartzites and conglomerates and playa-type sediments, characteristic of deposits in rifted areas. Accordingly, we consider these rocks to be Nosib Group (basal Damara) and not Gaub Valley Formation (> 1.5 Ga) of the Rehoboth Sequence, as previously mapped.

Publication Title:

Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia

Geological Survey, SWA/Namibia
Item Type:
Journal Article

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