
Cites must take action on illegal pangolin trade

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Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) can and must do more to address the dire impacts of the global illegal pangolin trade A new briefing document outlines the Environmental Investigation Agency's (EIA) findings and recommendations on key issues relating to global illegal pangolin trade. EIA says that following decades of overexploitation due to international trade, in 2016 all eight pangolin species were uplisted from Appendix II to Appendix I to Cites. This made the international commercial trade in pangolins and their by-products illegal, but despite this, the global pangolin trafficking crisis has continued, as EIA documents in the Cites briefing document. It says that between 2017 and present-day EIA documented almost 300 tonnes of pangolin scales seized globally.

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Namibian Sun
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