
Terms of Reference: Aerial survey and census of elephant and other large herbivore populations in the Zambezi Region, Khaudum National Park and Nyae Nyae Conservancy

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The work of this consultancy continues an overview of elephant populations that were recently surveyed in the Zambezi Region (Caprivi), Khaudum National Park and Nyae Nyae. That survey was a response to the escalating killing of elephants across the African elephant range (CITES 2012)1 including southern Africa. This illegal activity is being driven, both internally within Africa and externally by an illegal wildlife trade. Such trade has become highly criminalized involving corrupt politicians, private sector syndicates and inept &/or corrupt bureaucrats. In Namibia there are two major strongholds for elephant (i) in the north west of the country where desert elephant have recovered dramatically over the past 20-30 years following an earlier demise associated with poaching. This remote region can probably now be considered relatively safe and secure, compared to (ii) the north east of the country which shares borders with other countries. These borders are highly porous, vulnerable and not very secure from a poaching and illegal trade perspective. The primary objective of this survey is to provide an estimate of elephant numbers both live and dead, so that carcass ratios (percentage of dead elephants as a proportion of live plus dead elephants) can be derived and compared with earlier such estimates, and a quantified baseline of poaching activity by location and intensity, i.e. “hotspots”. Additionally other mammal species will be counted.

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