
Post-relocation movements of two collared lions inside and outside Etosha National Park

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This adult male lion (number 719 on the Etosha lion list) was branded on 3 September 1996 at Aus, approximately 30 kilometers east of Okaukuejo.  He was originally classified as one of the lions belonging to the Homob pride (lion list of 1999), but at a later stage he was grouped with the Leeubron pride after frequently being sighted in that area together with the Leeubron lionesses (lion list of 2000).  The lion’s age was estimated to be 9.6 to 10 years during 2004. Lions had been raiding stock for several weeks during early 2004 at the Omburu cattle post north of Narawandu.  It was unclear how many lions were involved, but Etosha staff was certain there were at least four lions - a lioness with two sub-adult cubs, and the male mentioned above.  On several occasions DPWM staff observed spoor of lions at a seasonal pan approximately 1.5 kilometers south of the kraal. In an effort to solve the problem, DPWM and DSS staff went out on 24 April to immobilize one or more of the lions, and to return them back to the Park.  The above-mentioned adult male could successfully be immobilized and collared during the night, after he caused the cattle to break out of the kraal and killed an ox about 30 metres from the homestead. 

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