
APP-001170: Piloting Sustainable Woody Biomass Utilisation Project

Publication Year:

Onghalulu Farmers' Cooperative (founded in October 2014) would like to start with the bush thinning project and utilize the woody biomass into various value chains (firewood, animals' bush feed, furniture-chairs, droppers and poles) because this area is bush encroached, while waiting for the rangeland to restore. The harvesting will be very selective and in a sustainable manner and taking in consideration that some plant species are protected by law (Forest Act No: 12 of 2001). The cooperative is made up of three villages (Onane, Okambali and Onghalulu) and the area to be harvested is 10 hectares per village/Annum, which is already demarcated. However, for the rangeland to be restored, after harvesting the area will be reseeded and rested to allow the perennial grass species to grow back. A Forest Inventory was done in July 2019 by the Directorate of Forestry- Okongo, staffs from CLDP-GIZ and Community members from each village. I have attached the inventory report at the end of the questionnaire.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 14 July 2020

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