
APP-00940: Environmental Impact Assessment of the Divundu Water Supply Extention Project: Divundu East

Publication Year:

In 2012, Namwater initiated the Divundu Bulk Water Supply Scheme to provide potable, good quality, treated water to Bagani and Divundu, along the Eastern Okavango River (Map below). An EIA was completed for the project, and an Environmental Clearance Certificate was obtained for the construction, operation and decommissioning of the project. Namwater intends extending this project (to an area referred to as Divundu East), in order to provide the same standards of water to the residents of Mushashani, Mutjiku, Mutjiku Block D, as well as some schools, clinics and other institutions immediately east of the Okavango River along the B8 road.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 28 May 2020

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