
Conservation aspects of the Blue Crane in Namibia

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The Blue Crane Anthropoides paradiseus (Lichtenstein 1793) is the most range-restricted of the world's 15 crane species. It occurs mainly in South Africa, with a total population of around 25,000, and is classed as Globally Vulnerable. A curious and highly isolated breeding population also occurs in Namibia, within the Etosha  National Park and on the grasslands to the north. This population is apparently in decline, and the species is regarded as Critically Endangered in this country (Simmons, Brown, Kemper 2015). Due to concerns about the conservation of our cranes, a Namibia Crane Action Plan was compiled and implemented by the Namibia Crane Working Group of the Namibia Nature Foundation in 2004. The Namibia Blue Crane Project was launched in 2006.

Meeting Name:
Etosha Symposium, June 2019
Item Type: