
MESA - Monitoring for environment and security in Africa - SADCTHEMA


Global Background: Monitoring of the Environment for Security in Africa (MESA) is a follow-up initiative to the African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD) programme. It contributes to the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) 6th Partnership on Climate Change and Environment and builds on the AMESD programme achievements. The initiative is focused on using Earth Observation (EO) data and information products for environment and sustainable development, specifically designed for African users at continental, regional and national levels (AUC, 5 African Regions, and 50 countries). The project's reliance on proven satellite and land-based monitoring technology is also consistent with the JAES 8th Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space. Objective and expected results: The Overall Objective of MESA is to support African decision-makers and planners in designing and implementing national, regional and continental policies and development plans towards sustainable development, thereby advancing the socioeconomic progress and well-being of African populations towards achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The project addresses five (5) key results areas: Result 1: improve access to earth observation data; Result 2: development/consolidation of geo-information service; Result 3: cross-fertilisation among the regions; Result 4: strengthen political and policy development frameworks; Result 5: adequate technical permanently capacity at continental, regional and national levels. Implementation will is taking place during 2013 to 2018.

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