A revision of the African species of Terminalia
Publication Year:
The author has attempted a revision of all the African species of Terminalia. She has examined all of the type specimens, except those which were destroyed in Berlin during the recent war, those which are housed in the historic herbaria at Paris and Geneva, and those of two species collected by Italian botanists, which have not been located. She has studied approximately 1400 specimens, and this comprises the bulk of the material hitherto collected. One hundred and fifteen specific names have been used in this genus in Tropical Africa; they have all been accounted for. Only twenty-eight species are fully accepted in this account; a key for their identification is provided; they are all fully described and each is illustrated by one plate of drawings. Synonymy is given in full, and reasons for that which is new are given. For each of the twenty-eight species a full bibliography, vernacular names, notes on variation and notes on distribution and ecology are given; a sufficient number of specimens to cover the geographical distribution and to illustrate the range of variation has been selected for citation. Seven species which have been previously described and named are treated as being imperfectly known as the available material is scanty, and they only receive brief mention. All other names hitherto used in Terminalia in Africa are either treated as synonyms, or reasons are given as to why, at the present, they should not be used. Attention is drawn to a further five taxa, which may be new species, but have never been named and described; these are also treated as 'imperfectly known' species; the available material is insufficient to allow a more definite taxonomic judgement.
Publication Title:
Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany
Item Type:
Journal Article