
Lions and a Saddle


During my time of over five years as a Game Ranger (Nature Conservation Officer) stationed in Halali from early 1982, I covered the entire Central Section which I was in control of, on horse-back. In addition I also covered the adjoining areas of the Namutoni and Okaukuejo areas from my horse-camps built on the boundaries. I operated from these strategically situated horse-camps built near the intersections of each of the fire-breaks which cris-crossed the Park. My patrols from these horse-camps involved 3-15 hours in the saddle and followed a strict pattern of Cloverleaf, 360 degree and diagonal routes designed to cover each fire-block as effectively as possible. Being young, bullet-proof and bubbling over with principals and enthusiasm, I was still under the impression that good Game Rangers actually get into their areas either on foot or by any other less intrusive means other than a vehicle to be able to understand the Park and the management techniques required to run it. I was also very fortunate to have a Senior Nature Conservation Officer โ€“ Trygve Cooper, who thought the same way and not only supported but encouraged my activities, and sometimes over-zealous ideas.

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