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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1151 - 1200 of 2577
Sunday, 12 December 2021
2021. Misdaadverslag - Verdagtes betrap met olifanttande en ietermagôvelle.

Volgens die polisie se naweekmisdaadverslag wat vandag uitgereik is, is 'n 71-jarige man Donderdagoggend by 'n restaurant by die Swakopmund-kleinhoewes in hegtenis geneem nadat hy na bewering tydens ‘n lokval vier olifanttande aan polisiebeamptes probeer verkoop het. In 'n onverwante voorval is 'n 48-jarige Angolese burger dieselfde namiddag by Kahenge in hegtenis geneem vir die onwettige besit van twee ietermagôvelle ter waarde van 'n geskatte N$100 000.

Sunday, 12 December 2021
Williams R 2021. Four suspects to appear in Ceres court for the poaching of five Inverdoorn rhinos.

Cape Town - Four suspects were arrested by police for the poaching of five rhinos at a private game reserve. Police spokesperson Wesley Twiggs said the four arrested suspects were expected to appear in Ceres Magistrate’s Court after they have been charged. Five rhinos were attacked by poachers at Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve just outside Cape Town last week. Four of the rhinos were killed while the fifth rhino survived a gunshot to the face.

Saturday, 11 December 2021
2021. SANParks warns of video of distressed rhino cow, shot and hacked by poachers.

The South African National Parks (SANParks) warned people on Saturday about a video circulating on social media depicting a "severely injured White Rhino cow", saying it was "distressing to watch". In a statement, SANParks said that its rhino dehorning team made the gruesome discovery of a badly mutilated female rhino in the South of the Kruger National Park (KNP) on Thursday. "According to the SANParks Veterinarian and the Section Ranger who attended to the rhino, it appeared as if the animal had been shot a few days prior to being found.

Friday, 10 December 2021
Cronje J 2021. SANParks joint intelligence operations leads to arrest of suspected poachers.

South African National Parks (SANParks) today (10 December) said its Environmental Crime Investigation Unit (ECI) in collaboration with the South African Police Service (SAPS) Directorate of Priority Crime Investigations (DPCI), conducted a series of intelligence driven operations which led to the arrest of eight suspected poachers in October and November in villages adjacent to the Kruger National Park (KNP).

Friday, 10 December 2021
Seleka N 2021. Two Gauteng men arrested for allegedly trying to sell lion's head for R350K in the North West.

A police sting operation has led to the arrest of two Gauteng men who allegedly tried to sell a lion's head in the North West. The men were arrested after a police agent intercepted their plan. They were allegedly looking for a traditional healer to buy the animal's head for R350 000.

Thursday, 9 December 2021
Wansi B-I 2021. Cameroon: Poachers kill 8 elephants in the Lobéké National Park.

Eight elephants in the Lobéké National Park in eastern Cameroon have been shot. Cameroonian authorities report having arrested individuals involved in the trade of elephant tusks. As a result, new security measures were taken to ensure the conservation of wildlife.

Thursday, 9 December 2021
2021. 4 rhino killed in poaching incident at WC game reserve.

Four rhino have been killed at a game reserve just outside of Cape Town. Management at the Inverdoorn private game reserve said that an anti-poaching unit found the four rhino while on their regular patrols. One of the four was pregnant. A fifth rhino was wounded and is recovering.

Thursday, 9 December 2021
2021. Rhino massacre at Inverdoorn in Western Cape  as festive season starts.

Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve - Searl Derman, owner of Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve, just outside of Cape Town in the Western Cape, South Africa, and his management and staff are left traumatised after four rhinos, (including one pregnant female) were found massacred last night (Wednesday 08 December 2021). At approximately 22h30 the 24 hour Anti-Poaching Unit raised the alarm as they found the horrific scene of four shot rhino while on their regular patrols.

Wednesday, 8 December 2021
2021. Bad news for poachers: Vietnam slaps rhino horn trader with longest ever jail term.

A rhino horn trader has been sentenced to 14 years in jail, the longest ever prison term a Vietnamese court has handed down for the crime, a local conservation group said on Wednesday. Vietnam is both a consumption hub and popular transit point for the multi-billion-dollar trade in animal parts. Authorities have long vowed to stem the flow of illegal wildlife crisis-crossing its borders, but experts have warned the black market persists thanks to weak law enforcement.

Wednesday, 8 December 2021
Maulid K 2021. Tanzania: Court re-sentenced "Queen of Ivory" to 15 years in jail.

The Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court on Wednesday re-sentenced "Queen of Ivory," Chinese Yang Feng Clan and two Tanzanians to 15 years imprisonment each for leading organized crime on 860 pieces of elephant tusks, which are government trophies, valued at over 13bn/-.

Monday, 6 December 2021
Kindzeka ME 2021. Cameroon deploys military to assist rangers as poaching increases.

Cameroon has deployed its military forces to help rangers crack down on poachers on its eastern border with the Central African Republic. Cameroon wildlife officials say poaching is again increasing after pandemic restrictions saw a drop in the number of animals being killed. Officials say in the last week alone, poachers have killed at least eight elephants along the border. Cameroon's Forestry and Wildlife ministry says several dozen armed poachers are attacking elephants along the CAR border.

Saturday, 4 December 2021
Makanyanga D 2021. Chinese fugitive arrested in UAE.

One of the seven Chinese nationals who slipped out of the country while on bail after being arraigned on charges of money laundering and possession of more than 20 kilogrammes of rhino horns has been arrested by the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) in the United Arab Emirates after spending over two years on the run.

Friday, 3 December 2021
Bega S 2021. Following the wildlife traffickers' money.

South Africa's diverse wildlife means it plays a "devastating role" as both source and transit country for wildlife trafficking. The most popular animal parts include rhino horn, abalone, pangolin and ivory, which is moved through South Africa to the East.

Friday, 3 December 2021
2021. NU Borders partners with Zambesia Conservation Alliance to use advanced analytics solutions in the fight against illegal wildlife trade in Southern Africa.

NU Borders, LLC, a Boston, MA and Washington, DC-based data analytics company, continues to grow its presence in the conservation and antipoaching domain. In September 2021, NU Borders partnered with the Zambesia Conservation Alliance (ZCA), a non-profit organization focused on increasing awareness of wildlife conservation efforts through meaningful and impactful initiatives within the Zambesia region of Africa, comprising the countries of Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Thursday, 2 December 2021
2021. Interpol Op Thunder nabs wildlife criminals.

South Africa is no stranger to wildlife crime as shown in Operation Thunder, an Interpol-led effort against environmental crime in the broadest sense of the words. The worldwide enforcement operation against wildlife and timber crime co-ordinated by Interpol and the World Customs Organisation (WCO) disrupted crime networks and saw hundreds of arrests internationally, the France-headquartered policing body said.

Thursday, 2 December 2021
Zenda C 2021. Political rivalries flare in Botswana and animals pay the price.

The continued refusal by the government of Botswana to allow game rangers to carry firearms, coupled with the country's secrecy on poaching statistics and other wildlife data, is baffling conservationists. On 25 September, as Botswana marked a belated World Rhino Day, former president Ian Khama - a renowned wildlife conservationist - took to his Facebook page to share his thoughts.

Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Kouassi JK 2021. Ivory Coast - ivory trafficker caught in Treichville.

In Côte d'Ivoire, an alleged trafficker operating in the illegal ivory trade was arrested on Friday, November 19, 2021 in the town of Treichville. The alleged trafficker, in possession of two ivory tusks was arrested when he was about to sell the goods in the cables of a jewelry store belonging to him.

Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Jason L 2021. Katima man raped, suspected poacher shot.

At farm Otjirukaku on the B8 road, a 23-year-old male was shot and wounded allegedly by a farmer while attempting to poach wildlife on the property. The victim’s friend managed to flee the scene unharmed. The victim is currently hospitalised in a local hospital and his condition is stable, according to the authorities.

Thursday, 25 November 2021
2021. How building a network of wildlife crime law enforcement is reducing the illegal wildlife trade.

European Union-backed conservation project has trained a new frontline to fight to protect nature across five African nations.

Thursday, 25 November 2021
Hutchings M 2021. Almost 900kgs of South African rhino horns destined for Asian countries seized between 2014 and 2021.

The Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana has revealed that over the past 10 years, rhino horns weighing 865kg were seized during Sars Customs border operations between 2014 and 2021. Countries where rhino horns have been trafficked to include Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Dubai, Turkey and Nigeria.

Thursday, 25 November 2021
DiLonardo MJ 2021. How dogs are fighting rhino poaching.

In the war on poaching, some of the best defenders have four legs. Trained canines are used in some of South Africa's national parks to detect wildlife contraband like rhino horns, pangolin scales, and ivory at airports and roadblocks. Other dogs are trained to track and apprehend poachers in the field. According to Save the Rhino, 9,885 rhinos have been lost to poaching in the last decade. But Carl Thornton, founder and director of Pit-Track K9 Conservation and Anti-Poaching Unit, says the numbers are likely much higher.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Tipping-Woods D 2021. New #Wildeye tool tracks wildlife crime in Southern Africa.

Wildlife crime in Southern Africa has become easier to track and harder to hide, after the launch of Africa's first geomapping tool designed to follow court cases and convictions in the region.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Pillay Y 2021. Environmental organisations raise concern over ivory trade after suspects arrested in Ballito.

Durban - Environmental organisations have welcomed the arrest of two suspects found in possession of ivory with a street value of R400 000 in Ballito last week. It is alleged that the suspects were trying to sell elephant tusks and were arrested after an undercover operation.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021
2021. Businessman gets 5 years for unlawful possession of dried elephant meat.

The Livingstone Subordinate Court has sentenced a Lusaka businessman of Garden-Chilulu compound to five years imprisonment with hard labour for unlawful possession of 196 kilograms of dried elephant meat. Ministry of Tourism Sakabilo Kalembwe has told #Mwebantu in a statement, that the businessman has also been sentenced to one year-six months imprisonment to run concurrently for escaping lawful custody in 2019 after being arrested for unlawful possession of 241 kgs of elephant ivory

Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Hattingh E 2021. Bloedbad op plase.

Honde wat skape tydens strooptogte verskeur, lewende beeste waarvan die hakskene afgekap is en of wat in draadstrukke wurg, asook wild wat met assegaaie gesteek word en lydsaam vrek - dit is aan die orde van die dag op Namibiese plase. Selfs dragtige diere word nie deur stropers en diewe gespaar nie, terwyl landbouers net magteloos moet toekyk. Meer as 90 mense oraloor die land het Republikein die afgelope twee weke gekontak nadat vrae as deel van ‘n informele opname in die sosiale media oor vee- en wilddiefstal gestel is.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021
2021. Sieben Schuppentierpanzer beschlagnahmt.

Die Polizei hat einen Mann am vergangenen Freitag in Katutura festgenommen, der im Besitz von sieben Schuppentierpanzern war. Das geht aus dem Polizeibericht vom Wochenende hervor. Der Verdächtige soll versucht haben, die Panzer zu verkaufen. Er habe die Exemplare einem verdeckten Polizeibeamten angeboten. Daraufhin sei der Mann in Gewahrsam genommen worden. Der Verdächtige sollte am Montag vor dem Amtsgericht in Katutura erscheinen. Die polizeilichen Ermittlungen dauern weiter an. Schuppentiere gelten zu den in Namibia streng geschützten Tierarten.

Sunday, 21 November 2021
Maromo J 2021. German nationals arrested for catching and trading in protected lizards, geckos and tortoises.

Pretoria - Two German nationals are appearing in court on Monday, after being arrested near Askham, Northern Cape for the illegal trade and possession of reptiles and controlled substances. The men were nabbed while illegally catching and trading in reptiles, including Armadillo girdled lizards which are a threatened and protected species, geckos and tortoises in the Northern Cape "with the intention to smuggle them" out of South Africa into the lucrative international exotic pet trade.

Sunday, 21 November 2021
Seleka N 2021. 'What they are doing is sad and emotional' - poachers use snares to trap animals in Kruger Park.

Poachers have turned to snare trapping to capture animals in the Kruger National Park, including some endangered species, and use poisoned carcases to lure them. Many of the trapped animals die and their carcasses rot. Rangers and other officials have been combing through the 19 485 km² Kruger National Park, which houses the country's Big Five, in search of injured and trapped animals. Poachers have targeted almost all sections of the park. Wild dogs, lions and small antelopes are some of the animals that have been trapped.

Sunday, 21 November 2021
2021. All hands on deck against rhino poaching.

In the past three years, gun battles between rhino poachers and the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority (ZimParks) rangers have killed about 20 people. Wildlife economists say a country like Zimbabwe, which has a large rhino population, needs to continue to remain alert as the endangered species to be under threat from poachers. According to America-based wildlife organisation, World Animal Foundation, the rhino horn is estimated at US$65 000 per kg, which is more than the value of gold or diamonds.

Friday, 19 November 2021
Motlhoka T 2021. Botswana struggles with rising cases of rhino poaching.

Poaching intensified over the past three years following the 2018 decision by the government to disarm the anti-poaching unit under the DWNP. The 100+ rhinos poached since the disarmament represents a 100+ percent increase in poaching incidents when compared to the previous three years when Botswana lost one rhino per annum in the preceding 2015, 2016, and 2017 when the unit had firearms. There were at least 12 rhinos poached in 2018, 29 rhinos in 2019, and over 50 poached by the end of 2020.

Friday, 19 November 2021
Motlhabane C 2021. Illegal ivory dealer jailed for two years.

A sense of remorse and a convincing mitigation statement have saved a convicted ivory dealer from a lengthy jail term as he got off lightly with a reduced sentence. Poul Garirayi would have been condemned to a mandatory 10-year maximum jail term and a hefty fine for the elephant tusks valued at P10 233.22 that he was found in possession of.

Thursday, 18 November 2021
2021. Man arrested for possession of pangolin skin at Rundu.

A 29-year-old man was arrested on Monday morning after allegedly being found in possession of a protected wildlife product at Rundu in the Kavango East Region. The Namibian Police Force's Chief Inspector in the Kavango East Region, Melanie Mburu told Nampa on Tuesday that the suspect was found in possession of a pangolin skin at Rundu's Ngandu Lodge at around 11h30.

Thursday, 18 November 2021
Muronzi C 2021. Can NFTs help save rhinos from poachers?.

A rhino conservationist has turned to the world of non-fungible tokens to help fund efforts to keep poachers at bay.

Thursday, 18 November 2021
2021. South Africa: Report identifies role-players in South African wildlife crime.

Cape Town - Game rangers, vets, casino staff, construction and transport industry workers, as well as customs and other government officials, have been identified as role-players in the ecosystem of illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products according to a report by the South African Anti-Money Laundering Integrated Task Force.

Thursday, 18 November 2021
Ngwenya T 2021. Two men nabbed with rhino horn in Gauteng testify that police solicited a R30K bribe to release them.

Police who arrested two men carrying a rhino horn on a highway near Witbank allegedly demanded a R30,000 bribe to release them.

Wednesday, 17 November 2021
2021. Männer wegen Besitzes von Pythonhäuten verhaftet.

Zwei Männer im Alter von 26 und 37 Jahren wurden am vergangenen Freitag im Dorf Nkonke in der Kavango-West-Region verhaftet, weil sie im Besitz von drei Pythonhäuten waren. Der Wert beläuft sich laut dem Bericht auf 90 000 N$. Die Verdächtigen sollten am Montag vor dem Magistratsgericht von Rundu erscheinen. 

Two men, aged 26 and 37, were arrested last Friday in the village of Nkonke in the Kavango West Region for possessing three python skins. The value is according to the report at N $ 90,000. The suspects were due to appear before the Rundu Municipal Court on…

Wednesday, 17 November 2021
Masweneng K 2021. Money laundering and wads of cash giving illegal wildlife traders the upper hand.

"It is not uncommon for the money flows associated with illegal wildlife trade (IWT) to be linked to other crimes, such as fraudulent documentation or paperwork, trade-based money laundering including over-, under-, or fictitious invoicing, as well as corruption to facilitate the inflow of funds into SA," said the report. It emphasised that wildlife and wildlife products from SA are in high demand globally, with China and other Asian countries representing the largest markets.

Wednesday, 17 November 2021
Ngema T 2021. Two suspects arrested in posh Zimbali Eco Estate for dealing in elephant tusks.

Durban - Two suspects were arrested in the posh Zimbali Eco Estate, on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, for dealing in elephant tusks.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Muronga P 2021. Two men arrested with three python skins granted bail.

Two men arrested for allegedly being in possession of three python skins at Nkonke village were on Monday granted bail during their first court appearance in the Kahenge Periodic Court.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Marriah-Maharaj J 2021. Missing suspected poacher may have jumped into St Lucia Lake to avoid arrest.

Durban: Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife said the search was on for a suspected poacher, who may jumped into St Lucia Lake to avoid arrest.

Monday, 15 November 2021
Smit E 2021. African elephant poaching lowest in 17 years.

Elephant poaching in Africa has fallen to the lowest level since 2003. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species programme for Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) published its annual analysis of continental and sub-regional trends in the levels of poaching. This is derived from data collected at 95 MIKE sites across 43 elephant range states in Africa, including Namibia, and Asia.

Saturday, 13 November 2021
Ndebele L 2021. Census to shed light on elephant population in southern Africa.

A wildlife nature reserve covering Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Angola will undertake a loose elephant census next year at the cost of $3 million. The aerial survey by the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA) directorate will help in managing elephants that freely roam across member states. "The elephant population of KAZA represents more than 50% of the remaining savanna elephants (Loxodonta Africana) found in Africa, a species recently listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as globally endangered.

Friday, 12 November 2021
Siamilandu O 2021. Africa urged to fight wildlife trafficking.

African governments have been urged to jointly fight wildlife trafficking by coming up with legislation and policies that curb the vice. Leading international wildlife conservation body, the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) on Tuesday told journalists attending a wildlife reporting training programme in Harare that laws should be crafted to impose stiffer sentences on wildlife poachers and traffickers. The participants were from Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, South Africa, Botswana and Kenya.

Friday, 12 November 2021
2021. Duo in court over ivory.

Two men appeared in court today on allegations of illegally possessing elephant tusks worth US$2 497 they intended to trade in Harare's city centre. Nkululeko Chuma (40) and Tawenga Dandambira (40) appeared before Harare magistrate Mrs Tafadzwa Miti charged with unlawful possession of unmarked raw ivory.

Thursday, 11 November 2021
Stoddard E 2021. This week we're listening to: A riveting and disturbing foray into South Africa's rhino-poaching crisis.
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
2021. Grausame Schlingenstellerei - Abwesende Farmer befördern Wilderei.

Immer wieder sind Farmen in Namibia von starker Wilderei betroffen. Am meisten unter gehäuften Tötungen leiden Farmen, deren Nachbarfarmen von Nicht-Namibiern bewohnt werden, die die meiste Zeit im Ausland leben. Dieser Umstand wird von Wilderen systematisch ausgenutzt, um Farmgrenzen zu übertreten und einer strafrechtlichen Verfolgung zu entkommen. Ein Beispiel für diese Situation ist die Gästefarm Ameib, die Hagen Denker gehört.

Tuesday, 9 November 2021
2021. Two foreign nationals arrested for trafficking ivory and rhinoceros horn as part of international operation with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The 11-count indictment alleges that Lokua and Mujangi worked with a middleman to smuggle four packages into the United States. In August and September, 2020, the defendants sent three shipments containing a total of about 49 pounds of ivory by air freight to Seattle. In May 2021, they sent another package with approximately five pounds of rhinoceros horn. At the same time, the defendants conspired to conduct large transactions via ocean freight, offering the buyer more than two tons of elephant ivory, one ton of pangolin scales, and multiple intact rhinoceros horns. On Nov.

Monday, 8 November 2021
Carter M 2021. Seattle grand jury indicts two Congolese men for allegedly smuggling poached ivory, rare white rhino horns.

Two foreign nationals from the Democratic Republic of Congo were arrested outside Seattle last week and indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of conspiracy and money laundering for allegedly smuggling elephant ivory and rhino horns into the United States.

Monday, 8 November 2021
McCain N 2021. Poachers handed heavy sentences after being found with rhino horns.

Two rhino poachers have been sentenced to an effective 16 years' imprisonment each. The men were arrested in February when rangers from the Lower Sabie and Crocodile Bridge sections of the Kruger National Park reacted after three armed suspects were seen entering the park by crossing the border between South Africa and Mozambique, said police spokesperson Brigadier Selvy Mohlala.

Monday, 8 November 2021
Holland H Congo seizes $3.5 mln of ivory, rhino horn and pangolin scales.

Authorities in Democratic Republic of Congo have seized $3.5 million worth of ivory, rhinoceros horn and pangolin scales in a joint operation with United States officials, the U.S. embassy in Kinshasa said on Monday. Two wildlife traffickers were also arrested in the United States on Nov. 4, following a more than two-year investigation between the two countries and global police agency Interpol.