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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 137Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Komen J, Myer E 1991. Hunting 'traotraos' and other birds in Madagascar. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 42-50
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Hunting traotraos and other birds in Madagascar_1991.pdf 502.85 KB
von Ludwiger K 1991. Beobachtungen am Horst eines Felsenadler (1981-1990). Lanioturdus 26 (1) 40-41
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Beobachtung am horst eines Felsenadlers_1991.pdf 158.97 KB
Dedekind H 1991. Notes on the nesting behaviour of the White-tailed shrike. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 31-34
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Nesting behaviour White_tailed shrike_1991.pdf 367.03 KB
Wilson GA 1991. Strange visitors to the desert. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 30
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Strange visitors to the desert_1991.pdf 160.98 KB
Komen J 1991. African marsh warbler longevity record. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 22-23
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African marsh warbler longevity_1991.pdf 147.48 KB
Simmons R 1991. International waterfowl census - Namibia. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 21-22
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International waterfowl census_1991.pdf 231.04 KB
Henschel JR, Skinner JD 1991. Territorial behaviour by a clan of spotted hyaenas Crocuta crocuta. Ethology 8 (3) 223-235
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Territorial behaviour by a clan of spotted hyaenas Crocuta crocuta.pdf 345.07 KB
Henschel JR 1991. A trap to capture burrowing arachnids. Journal of Arachnology 19 150-152
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A trap to capture burrowing arachnids_1991.pdf 118.6 KB
Armstrong S 1991. How baboons survive in world's worst desert. New Scientist 2 (March 1991) 24
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How baboons survive in worlds worst desert.pdf 815.83 KB
Brown CJ 1991. Birds of the Swakop River lagoon. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 16-21
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Birds of the Swakop River lagoon_1991.pdf 400.4 KB
Brown CJ 1991. Raptor ringing in Namibia. Gabar 6 7-9
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Brown CJ 1991 Gabar 6_1_7_9.pdf 134.24 KB
Kinahan J, Pallett J, Vogel J, Ward J, Lindeque M 1991. The occurrence and dating of elephant tracks in the silt deposits of the lower !Khuiseb River, Namibia. Cimbebasia 13 37-43
Irish J 1991. Conservation aspects of karst waters in Namibia. Madoqua 17 (2) 141-146
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Conservation aspects of karst waters in Namibia.pdf 544.62 KB
Goodisan P 1991. The Namibian Fisheries Experience. Samudra 5-6 16-20
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The Namibian Fisheries Experience.pdf 335.73 KB
Jocqué R 1991. A generic revision of the spider family Zodariidae (Araneae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 201
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A generic revision of the spider family Zodariidae_1991.pdf 29.49 MB
Lindeque M, Archibald T 1991. Seasonal wetlands in Ovambo and the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 17 (2) 129-133
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Seasonal wetlands in Ovambo and the Etosha National Park.pdf 773.46 KB
Komen J 1991. Energy-requirements of nestling Cape Vultures. Condor 93 (1) 153 - 158
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Energy_requirements of nestling Cape Vultures_1991.pdf 452.06 KB
Barnard P 1991. Ornament and body size variation and their measurement in natural populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 42 (3) 379 - 388
Dempster ER, Perrin MR 1991. Neonatal development of Gerbillurus vallinus and G. setzeri. Madoqua 18 (1) 51-53
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Neonatal development of Gerbillurus vallinus.pdf 1.31 MB
Scheepers JL, Gilchrist D 1991. Leopard predation on giraffe calves in the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 18 (1) 49
Stander PE 1991. Demography of lions in the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 18 (1) 1-9
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Demography of lions in the Etosha National Park.pdf 871.73 KB
Eiseb E, Giess W, Haacke WHG 1991. A Preliminary list of Khoekoe (Nama/Damara) Plant Names. Dinteria 21 17-30
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A Preliminary list of Khoekoe Plant Names_1991.pdf 1.34 MB
Rumrich U, Rumrich M 1991. Diatomeen auf Pflanzen in der Namib. Dinteria 21 8-16
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Dinteria 21_1991_2.pdf 609.55 KB
Filippucci MG, Hickman GC, Capanna E, Nevo E 1991. Genetic diversity and differentiation of the endemic subterranean golden moles of South Africa. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 19 (6) 461-466
Critchley AT, Rotmann KWG, Molloy FJ 1991. The Namibian seaweed industry: Present and potential. Bioresource Technology 38 (2-3) 137-143
Stanistreet IG, Kukla PA, Henry G 1991. Sedimentary basinal responses to a Late Precambrian Wilson Cycle: the Damara Orogen and Nama Foreland, Namibia. Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East) 13 (1) 141-156
Zobeck TM 1991. Soil properties affecting wind erosion. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 46 (2) 112-118
Skinner JD, van Aarde RJ 1991. Bone Collecting by Brown Hyaenas Hyaena brunnea in the Central Namib Desert, Namibia. Journal of Archaeological Science 18 513-523

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