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Displaying results 1 - 38 of 38Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Merxmüller H 1964. Die Stammsukkulenten Pelargonien des Lüderitz-Distriktes (Südwestafrika). Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 5 229-245
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Beetz W 1964. Der zentrale Teil des Ablaufgebietes zum Atlantik. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 22 5-49
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Der zentrale Teil des Ablaufgebietes zum Atlantik_1964.pdf 2.82 MB
Steyn WJ 1964. Angolosaurus skoogi (Andersson) - A new record from South West Africa (Reptiles). Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 24 1-5
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Angolosaurus skoogi_A new record from South West Africa.pdf 964.21 KB
Meester J 1964. Revision of the Chrysochloridae I. the desert golden mole Eremitalpa Roberts. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 26 1-8
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Revision of the Chrysochloridae.pdf 1.09 MB
Stengel HW 1964. The rivers of the Namib and their discharge into the Atlantic. Part 2: Omaruru and Ugab. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 30
Schulze L 1964. The Tenebrionidae of southern Africa XXXIX - A revised key to the larvae of Onymacris Allard (Coleoptera: Adesmiini). Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 23 1-7
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A revised key to the larvae of Onymacris Allard_1964.pdf 1.5 MB
Borsutzky P 1964. European Shoveller on the Okavango River. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 35 (2) 121
Atkinson LL 1964. Walvis Bay, 30th October 1963. 17 87
Arnold HW 1964. Vogelbeobachtungen im nördlichen Südwestafrika. Gefiederte Welt 138 - 139
Winterbottom JM 1964. An expedition to the Etosha Pan Game Reserve. Bokmakierie 16 18 - 20
Winterbottom JM 1964. Notes on the wagtails Motacilla of southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 35 (3) 129 - 141
Winterbottom JM 1964. Report on the nest record card scheme. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 35 (1) 42 - 44
von Maltzahn H 1964. Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe (L.)) in South West Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 35 (2) 123 - 124
von Maltzahn H 1964. Zugvögel in Südwestafrika. 5
Shewell A 1964. Birds of Walvis Bay lagoon. African Wildlife 18 25 - 26
Schenck W 1964. Vogelflug und Flieger. Journal of the SWA Scientific Society 17 17 - 35
Rowan MK, Skead CJ, Winterbottom JM 1964. Notes on some Damaraland birds, chiefly around Windhoek. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 35 (3) 234 - 235
Moon P 1964. The Etosha Pan Game Reserve. African Wildlife 18 235 - 239
McLachlan GR 1964. Tenth ringing report. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 35 (2) 101 - 110
Arnold EM 1964. Beobachtungen bei Vogelhaltung und Vogelvang in Südwestafrika. Gefiederte Welt 138 - 139
Kazmaier H 1964. Vogelarbeit in Lüderitz. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft V (12) 1-4
Gaerdes F 1964. Studie über die Vogeleier. Journal of the SWA Scientific Society 7 (3 - 4) 4 - 5
Rudner J, Grattan-Bellew P 1964. Archaeological sites along the southern coast of South West Africa. South African Journal of Science 30 (3) 67-79
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Archaeological sites along the southern coast of South West Africa.pdf 540.61 KB
Clancey PA 1964. Subspeciation in the Black Tit Parus niger Vieillot. Durban Museum Novitates 7 (7) 167 - 177
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Subspeciation in the Black Tit Parus niger Vieillot.pdf 945.78 KB
Clancey PA 1964. Racial variation in Bennett's Woodpecker Campethera bennettii (Smith). Durban Museum Novitates 7 (7) 157 - 166
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Racial variation in Bennetts Woodpecker Campethera bennettii.pdf 652.44 KB
Clancey PA 1964. Geographical variation in the Go-away Bird Corythaixoides concolor (Smith). Durban Museum Novitates 7 (5) 125 - 130
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Geographical variation in the Go-away Bird Corythaixoides concolor.pdf 347.69 KB
Clancey PA 1964. On the South African races of the Long-billed Pipit Anthus sumilis Jerdon. Durban Museum Novitates 7 (7) 177 - 182

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