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Becker T, Schreiber U, Kampunzu AB, Armstrong RA 2006. Mesoproterozoic rocks of Namibia and their plate tectonic Setting. Journal of African Earth Sciences 46 (1-2) 112-140
Barth A, Eckardt J, Petzel V, Schreiber U 2004. Report: Earth Data Namibia - a milestone in information management at the Geological Survey of Namibia: background, data base design, features, further planning. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 13 93-96
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Earth Data Namibia.pdf 366.24 KB
Schreiber U Volcanoes.
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Volcanoes.pdf 567.1 KB
Schreiber U, Petzel V The "Kalahari Copper Belt" - Central Namibia.
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The Kalahari Copper Belt.pdf 7.97 MB
Schreiber U Africa split apart?.
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Africa split apart.pdf 258.05 KB
Schreiber U 2002. The day the dinosaurs died.
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The day the dinosaurs died.pdf 842.72 KB
Schreiber U Earthquakes.
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Earthquakes.pdf 739.49 KB
Schreiber U Steps toward modern data management.
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Steps toward modern data management_Poster.pdf 1022.92 KB
Schreiber U 2024. Report: A Geoscientific Data Base for Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 26 90-97
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Report_A Geoscientific Data Base for Namibia.pdf 658.81 KB
Schreiber U, Kapuka E, Nduutepo A, Nguno A 2023. Report: Introducing the Namibian Committee for Stratigraphy. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 26 98-101
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Report_Introducing the Namibian Committee for Stratigraphy.pdf 115.67 KB

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