
The day the dinosaurs died

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The Mesozoic - the middles ages of Earth history - lasting from 225 million to 65 million years ago, were the 'Age of the Dinosaur'. Especially during the Jurassic and Cretaceous they proliferated and temporarily became the Kings of Creation, conquering land, water and air. However, at the end of this period they disappeared completely from the face of the Earth - a phenomenon that has led to numerous theories and speculations to be propounded by earth and life scientists alike. After decades of animated debate, the hypothesis claiming a major meteorite hit in the Caribbean region to be responsible for the mass die-off around 65 million years ago has become the most widely accepted. According to it, the fate of the dinosaurs as well as that of many other species was sealed when the impactor (itself generated by a major collision between planetoids some 160 million years ago) was thrown out of its orbit in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter to wander into the inner solar system - long before it was captured by Earth's gravity well and came soaring out of the sky to bring death and destruction!

P.M Magazin
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