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Downs C, Harebottle D, Dodman T, Ndiaye A, Barnard P, Huntley B, Ogada D, Botha A, Ng'weno F 2014. Birds in a Changing Environment: Report on the 13th Pan-African Ornithological Congress in Arusha, Tanzania. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 85 (1)
Kane A, Monadjem A, Aschenborn O, Bildstein K, Botha A, Bracebridge C, Buechley ER, Buij R, Davies JP, Diekmann M, Downs CT, Farwig N, Galligan T, Kaltenecker G, Kelly C, Kemp R, Kolberg H, Mackenzie ML, Mendelsohn J, Mgumba M, Nathan R, Nicholas A, Ogada D, Pfeiffer MB, Phipps WL, Pretorius MD, Rösner S, Schabo DG, Shatumbu GL, Spiegel O, Thompson LJ, Venter JA, Virani M, Wolter K, Kendall CJ 2022. Understanding continent-wide variation in vulture ranging behavior to assess feasibility of Vulture Safe Zones in Africa: Challenges and possibilities. Biological Conservation 268 109516
Simmons RE, Muntifering J, Ogada D, Hruska T, Tupper B, Childers E, Thompsen J, Hyman J, Lickel L, Jeong V 2005. Avian diversity on the Cunene River: Perspectives and potential implications of proposed dam sites. In Prep.
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