The building of nests for egg laying and rearing of offspring. (Source: AMHER)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 170 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kolberg C, Kolberg H 2016. Sociable Weavers nesting on rock faces. Lanioturdus 49 (2) 25
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Sociable Weavers nesting on rock faces.pdf 607.19 KB
von Ludwiger K 1991. Beobachtungen am Horst eines Felsenadler (1981-1990). Lanioturdus 26 (1) 40-41
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Beobachtung am horst eines Felsenadlers_1991.pdf 158.97 KB
Dedekind H 1991. Notes on the nesting behaviour of the White-tailed shrike. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 31-34
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Nesting behaviour White_tailed shrike_1991.pdf 367.03 KB
Komen J 1991. African marsh warbler longevity record. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 22-23
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African marsh warbler longevity_1991.pdf 147.48 KB
Bachran H 1989. Ein kleiner Vogel als Baumeister. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 63-65
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Kleiner Vogel als Baumeister_1990.pdf 249.79 KB
Ludwig D 1973. Auf der suche nach Adlernestern. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (4) 3
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Auf der suche nach Adlernesten_1973.pdf 198.21 KB
de Piennaar U 1976. Observations on the nesting habits and predators of breeding colonies of Red-billed Queleas. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 12 (3) 3-6
Wolter K, Mundy P, Dube M 2013. Short communications, notes and reports: Incubation patch on a male Cape Griffon. Vulture News 65 37-39
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Incubation patch on a male Cape Griffon.pdf 162.66 KB
Sherley RB, Ludynia K, Underhill LG, Jones R, Kemper J 2012. Storms and heat limit the nest success of Bank Cormorants: Implications of future climate change for a surface-nesting seabird in southern Africa. Journal of Ornithology 153 441-455
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Storms and heat limit the nest success of Bank Cormorants.pdf 705.33 KB
Benseler A 1982. Priritschnäpper (Batis pririt) Rob. No. 674 - Beobachtungen beim Nestbau und Jungenaufzucht. Lanioturdus 17 (7) 4-5
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Pririt Puff_back Flycatcher.pdf 216.15 KB
Clinning CF 1980. Swifts in Windhoek. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 16 (9) 3
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Swifts in Windhoek.pdf 173.71 KB
Gerstle K, Gerstle P 1993. From rags to riches. Lanioturdus 27 31-34
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From rags to riches.pdf 420.35 KB
Dedekind H 1997. Barbets and Honeyguides. Lanioturdus 30 (2) 9-10
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Barbets and Honeyguides_1997.pdf 240.19 KB
Mendelsohn J 1997. Namibian Hornbills in nest boxes. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 22-26
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Namibian Hornbills in nest boxes.pdf 343.08 KB
Mendelsohn J 1998. Nest boxes for birds in Namibia. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 9-11
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Nest boxes for birds in Namibia.pdf 219.49 KB
Simmons RE 2002. Quelea breeding in the north-east Namibia, April 1999. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 13-23
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Quelea breeding in the north_east Namibia_April 1999.pdf 629.98 KB
Steenkamp J, Bridgeford P 2002. Pale-winged Starlings breeding in the Namib-Naukluft Park. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 5-8
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Pale_winged Starlings breeding in the Namib_Naukluft Park.pdf 323.33 KB
Cunningham P, Strauss N 2004. Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotus breeding in southern Namibia. Lanioturdus 37 (3&4) 28-29
Stols T, Foerster M 2004. Nest rescue. Lanioturdus 37 (2) 21-22
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Nest rescue.pdf 609.64 KB
Dürr MR 2004. Sociable Weavers nesting on a cliff-face. Lanioturdus 37 (2) 19
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Sociable Weavers nesting on a cliff_face.pdf 133.35 KB
Boix-Hinzen C 2004. Nest boxes for Namibia. Lanioturdus 37 (2) 11-18
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Nest boxes for Namibia.pdf 471.24 KB
Demasius E 2003. Another nest in the road. Lanioturdus 36 (4) 19-21
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Another nest in the road_2003.pdf 426.71 KB
Demasius E 2003. Damara Terns and the upcoming holiday season. Lanioturdus 36 (4) 12-14
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Damara Terns and the upcoming holiday season_2003.pdf 391.28 KB
Oschadleus HD, Dyer BM, Crawford RJM, Upfold L 2003. Sociable Weaver roadside nest densities in southern Namibia. Lanioturdus 36 (3) 12-17
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Sociable Weaver roadside nest densities in southern Namibia.pdf 301.93 KB
Dantu S 2001. Observations at a White-throated Canary nest. Lanioturdus 34 (2) 28
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Observations at a White_throated Canary nest.pdf 117.16 KB
Osborne TO 2001. Carp's Black Tit nesting observations. Lanioturdus 34 (2) 23-26
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Carps Black Tit nesting observations.pdf 292.19 KB
Osborne T 2001. Hartlaub's Francolin breeding in Namibia. Lanioturdus 34 (1) 16-18
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Hartlaubs Francolin breeding in Namibia.pdf 211.7 KB
Kinahan J 2000. A note on the breeding of the Paradies Flycatcher in Windhoek. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 4-5
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A note on the breeding of the Paradies Flycather in Windhoek_2000.pdf 154.55 KB
Oschadleus HD, Thomson N 2010. Sparrow-Weavers and Buffalo Weavers at Kakuse, in Northern Namibia. Lanioturdus 43 (4) 15-16
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Sparrow_Weavers and Buffalo Weavers at Kakuse in Northern Namibia.pdf 294.67 KB
Jacobi R 1979. Eine Vogelbeobachtung (Amethyst glanzstar). Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 15 (8) 1 - 2
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Eine Vogelbeobachtung_Amethystglanzstar_1979.pdf 169.77 KB
Brown C 2015. Meyer's Parrot – an unusual nest site. Lanioturdus 48 (2) 25-26
Brown C, Tarr J, Tarr P, Stanback M 2015. Nesting boxes, Honeybees and Lesser Honeyguides. Lanioturdus 48 (2) 17-19
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Nesting boxes_Honeybees and Lesser Honeyguides.pdf 1.16 MB
Dedekind H 1987. Whitetailed shrike nesting in the Naukluft Park. Lanioturdus 22 (4) 82 - 83
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White_tailed Shrike nesting in the Naukluft Park_1987.pdf 181.31 KB
Cunningham P 2015. It's not the Porsche that pulls the Chicks, but Real Estate. Lanioturdus 48 (1) 19-23
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Its not the Porsche that pulls the Chicks_but Real Estate.pdf 485.52 KB
Meyburg B-U, Graszynski K, Langgemach T, Sömmer P, Bergmanis U 2008. Cainism, nestling management in Germany in 2004–2007 and satellite tracking of juveniles in the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina). Slovak Raptor Journal 2 53-72
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Satellite tracking of juveniles in the Lesser Spotted Eagle.pdf 1.08 MB
Demasius E 2014. A Red-Headed Weaver in Halali, Etosha National Park. Lanioturdus 47 (4) 22-24
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Red_Headed Weaver in Halali_ Etosha National Park.pdf 758.67 KB
Brown C, Böhme H, Stanback M, Tarr J, Tarr P, Heinrich D 2014. Results of year one of a new nesting box project near Windhoek. Lanioturdus 47 (4) 2-13
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Results of year one of a new nesting box project near Windhoek.pdf 1.25 MB
Oschadleus HD, Mills MSL, Monadjem A 2014. Roadside colony densities of weavers in southern Angola. Lanioturdus 47 (2) 17-20
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Roadside colony densities of weavers in southern Angola.pdf 262.9 KB