
A brittle bluish-white metallic element that becomes coated with a corrosion-resistant layer in moist air and occurs chiefly in sphalerite and smithsonite. It is a constituent of several alloys, especially brass and nickel-silver, and is used in die-casting, galvanizing metals, and in battery electrodes. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 14 of 14 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
North River Resources 2016. Namib Project: Near term high grade zinc-lead restart.
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Namib Project Near term high grade zinc_lead restart.pdf 821.29 KB
Borg G, Kämner K, Klein E 2005. Structural control on the localisation and deep oxidation of the Skorpion supergene zinc deposit, Namibia. Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge 881-884
Cairncross B, Fraser A 2012. The Rosh Pinah Lead-Zinc Mine, Namibia. Rocks and Minerals 87 (5) 398-409
2002. 2.17 Mineral deposits in Namibia.
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Fig 2.17 Mineral deposits.zip 143.89 KB
Hahn L, Solesbury F, Mwiya S 2004. Report: Assessment of potential environmental impacts and rehabilitation of abandoned mine sites in Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 13 85-91
Ettler V, Mihaljevic M, Jarošíková A, Culka A, Kribek B, Majer V, Vanek A, Penížek V, Sracek O, Mapani B, Kamona F 2020. Vanadium-rich slags from the historical processing of Zn–Pb–V ores at Berg Aukas (Namibia): Mineralogy and environmental stability. Applied Geochemistry 14
2022. Figure 02_28 Zinc and lead.
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Atlas_ch_02_28.zip 23.79 KB