All current positive or negative properties with regard to soil utilization and soil functions. (Source: ECHO1)

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Displaying results 1 - 18 of 18 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Rondeaux G, Steven M, Baret F 1996. Optimization of soil-adjusted vegetation indices. Remote Sensing of Environment 55 (2) 95-107
Dumanski J, Pieri C 2000. Land quality indicators: research plan. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 81 (2) 93-102
Kirchmann H, Andersson R 2001. The Swedish system for quality assessment of agricultural soils. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 72 (2) 129-139
Prudat B, Bloemertz L, Kuhn NJ 2016. Duripan effect on soil water availability: study case in North-Central Namibia. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18
Petersen A, Gröngröft A, Mills A, Miehlich G 2010. Soils along the BIOTA transects. Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale 84-92
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Soils along the BIOTA transect.pdf 1.47 MB
Jacobson PJ, Jacobson KM, Angermeier PL, Cherry DS 2000. Hydrologic influences on soil properties along ephemeral rivers in the Namib Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 45 (1) 21-34
Beugler-Bell H, Buch MW 1997. Soils and soil erosion in the Etosha National Park, northern Namibia. Madoqua 20 (1) 91-104
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Soils and soil erosion in the Etosha National Park.pdf 2.05 MB