Reintroduction of exterminated species in an area; it is bound to fail if the chosen animal became extinct in the area too long ago and if the area itself has undergone too many changes. Reintroduction needs years of careful planning - the approval of local population, technical conditions of the release, feeding system, protection and breeding control - and even then some unexpected problems may arise. (Source: WPR)

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Displaying results 1 - 17 of 17 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Caro T, Riggio J 2014. Conservation and behavior of Africa's "Big Five". Current Zoology 60 (4) 486-499
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Conservation and behavior of Africas Big Five.pdf 188.32 KB
Paterson B, Stuart-Hill G, Underhill LG, Dunne TT, Schinzel B, Brown C, Beytell B, Demas F, Lindeque P, Tagg J, Weaver C 2008. A fuzzy decision support tool for wildlife translocations into communal conservancies in Namibia. Environmental Modelling and Software 23 (5) 521-534
Marker LL, Dickman AJ, Jeo RM, Mills MGL, MacDonald DW 2003. Demography of the Namibian cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus jubatus. Biological Conservation 114 (3) 413-425
Kettles R, Slotow R 2009. Management of free-ranging lions on an enclosed game reserve : research article. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 39 (1) 23-33
Miller SM, Bissett C, Burger A, Courtenay B, Dickerson T, Druce DJ, Ferreira S, Funston PJ, Hofmeyr D, Kilian PJ, Matthews W, Naylor S, Parker DM, Slotow R, Toft M, Zimmermann D 2013. Management of reintroduced lions in small, fenced reserves in South Africa : an assessment and guidelines. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 43 (2) 138-154
Hofmeyer JM, Ebedes H, Fryer REM, de Bruine JR 1975. The capture and translocation of the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis in South West Africa. Madoqua 9 (2) 35-44
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Etosha National Park - Profile.
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Etosha National Park_Profile.pdf 229.65 KB
van Niekerk A 1998. Indigenous chickens. The wise choice.
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Spotlight_008.pdf 2.53 MB