private sector

Segment of the economy not run by government, including households, sole traders, partnerships and companies. (Source: ODE)

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Displaying results 1 - 14 of 14 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Namibia Community Based Tourism Assistance Trust (NACOBTA) 2005. Facilitation of 8 existing and emerging JV agreements between conservancies and private sector. NACOBTA Joint Venture Unit NACSO Meeting.
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JV agreement.ppt 72 KB
Bibby CJ, Collar NJ, Crosby MJ, Heath MF, Imboden C, Johnson TH, Long AJ, Stattersfield AJ, Thirgood SJ Namibia Community Based Tourism Association (NACOBTA).
Barnes JI, MacGregor J, Weaver LC 2001. Economic analysis of community wildlife use initiatives in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 42_2001.pdf 85.09 KB
Ashley C, Garland E 1994. Promoting community-based tourism development.
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Research Discussion Paper 4_1994.pdf 364.07 KB