inventory of forest damage

Survey of a forest area to determine forest depletion. The aim of the inventory is to give an overview of the forest conditions. Especially should the inventory aim to detect any changes in the forest conditions, but it should also provide the distribution of the forest damages and find out any relation with site and stand conditions. (Source: DUNSTEa)

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Displaying results 1 - 9 of 9 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Barnes JI, MacGregor JJ, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI 2010. The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts. Development Southern Africa 27 (2) 159 - 176
Barnes JI, MacGregor JJ, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI 2010. The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts. Development Southern Africa 27 (2) 159-176
Kanime N, Laamanen R, Angombe S 2002. Inventory report Otjituuo Concession Forest.
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Inventory_Report_for_Otjituuo_Concession_Forest_2002_Kanime.pdf 934.59 KB
Pieters I, Laamanen R 2002. Inventory report for Rehoboth Acacia Park.
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Rehoboth Report.pdf 341.61 KB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 1997. The National Forest Inventory of Namibia - Sytem Description.
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The national forest inventory of Namibia_1997.pdf 2.56 MB