historical research

The study of events in relation to their development over time. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 1 - 14 of 14 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
2011. Journal of Namibian Studies, History, politics and culture. Journal of Namibian Studies 10 31-53
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Journal of Namibian Studies.pdf 2.52 MB
Kinahan J, Kinahan JHA 2010. The Namib Desert Archaeological Survey. Antiquity 084 (325)
Muranga V Aluka.
Turner G 1987. Hunters and herders of the Okavango Delta, northern Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 19 24-40
Ossendorf G 2017. Two holocene later stone age stratigraphies from the Sesfontein area, northwestern Namibia. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 57 (2) 233-266
Werner W 1993. A Brief History of Land Disposession in Namibia. Journal of Southern African Studies 19 (1) 135-146
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Werner land disposition in Namibia 1.pdf 1.24 MB
Taylor JJ 2007. Rendering the land visible. Cultural Survival Quarterly 31 (4) 10 - 15