Aspects concerning the whole world considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being interdependent economically, socially and politically. (Source: CEDa)

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Displaying results 1 - 24 of 24 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Malithano D 1992. FAO Global System for Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources. Dinteria 23 38-49
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Schlesinger WH, Reynolds JF, Cunningham GL, Huenneke LF, Jarrell WM, Virginia RA, Whitford WG 1990. Biological Feedbacks in Global Desertification. Science 247 (4946) 1043-1048
Reynolds JF, Smith DMS, Lambin EF, Turner BL, Mortimore M, Batterbury SPJ, Downing TE, Dowlatabadi H, Fernández RJ, Herrick JE, Huber-Sannwald E, Jiang H, Leemans R, Lynam T, Maestre FT, Ayarza M, Walker B 2007. Global Desertification: Building a Science for Dryland Development. Science 316 (5826) 847-851
Lombard AT 1996. Global change, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. South African Journal of Science (92) 115-116
Qiaohong S, Miao C, Duan Q, Ashouri H, Sorooshian S, Hsu K-L 2018. A review of global precipitation data sets: Data sources, estimation, and intercomparisons. Reviews of Geophysics (56) 79-107
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Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) Opinion: What global warming of 1.5 ℃ and higher means for Botswana and Namibia. The release this week of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) special report on global warming of 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels marks a critical point in climate negotiations. Billed in the media as "life changing", the report illustrates how crossing the ever-nearer threshold of 1.5℃ warming will affect the planet, and how difficult it will be to avoid overshooting this target. The special report takes a worldwide look at the growing impacts of climate change. But for countries like Botswana and Namibia, which are highly vulnerable to climate stresses, it's important to understand how surpassing the 1.5℃ global limit will play out at the local level. For these hot, dry and water-stressed countries, local warming and drying will be greater than the global average. So, even a 1.5°C increase in global temperature will have severe local impacts, ushering in intensified and longer droughts and many more heatwaves. Ironically, when rain does fall, it is expected to be much heavier, increasing the risk of heavy flooding within an overall drying climate.
Makhalanyane TP, Valverde A, Gunnigle E, Frossard A, Ramond J-B, Cowan DA 2015. Microbial ecology of hot desert edaphic systems. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 39 203–221
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Lindsey PA, Chapron G, Petracca LS, Burnham D, Hayward MW, Henschel P, Hinks AE, Garnett ST, MacDonald DW, Macdonald EA, Ripple WJ, Zander K, Dickman A 2017. Relative efforts of countries to conserve world’s megafauna. Global Ecology and Conservation 10 (2017) 243-252
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World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 2016. Living Planet Report: Risk and resilience in a new era.
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Ceia-Hasse A, Borda-de-Agua L, Grilo C, Pereira HM 2017. Global exposure of carnivores to roads. Global Ecology and Biogeography
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Scholes M, Andreae MO 2004. Appendix II: Wildland fire eissions from Africa and their ipact on the global atmosphere. Wildland Fire Management Handbook for Sub-Sahara Africa
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Adger WN, Benjaminsen TA, Brown K, Svarstad H 2001. Advancing a political ecology of global environmental discourses. Development and Change 32 681-715
Mfune JK, Ruppel OC, Willemse NE, Mosimane AW 2009. Proposed Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.
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