
The physics of the earth and its environment, that is, earth, air and space. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 12 of 12 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Noell U, Howard D, Bittner A, Tordiffe E 1996. Geophysical investigation of the Omaruru alluvial plains, Namibia.
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Geophysical investigation of the Omaruru alluvial plains.pdf 4.03 MB
McMullan SR, Ngwisanyi TH, Koosimile DI, Gledhill P 1992. Groundwater geophysics in the Kalahari.
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Groundwater geophysics in the Kalahari.pdf 802.65 KB
Zunckel M, Hong Y, Brassel K, O'Beirne S 1996. Characteristics of the nocturnal boundary layer: Okaukuejo, Namibia, during SAFARI-92. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (1984-2012) 101 (D19) 23757-23766
de Beer JH, Huyssen RMJ, Joubert SJ, van Zijl JSV 1982. Magnetometer array studies and deep Schlumberger soundings in the Damara orogenic belt, South West Africa. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 70 (1) 11-29
New M, Hewitson B, Stephenson DB, Tsiga A, Kruger A, Manhique A, Gomez B, Coelho CAS, Masisi DN, Kululanga E, Mbambalala E, Adesina F, Saleh H, Kanyanga J, Adosi J, Bulane L, Fortunata L, Mdoka ML, Lajoie R 2006. Evidence of trends in daily climate extremes over southern and west Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984-2012) 111 (D14) 27
Schefuß E, Kuhlmann H, Mollenhauer G, Prange M, Pätzold J 2011. Forcing of wet phases in southeast Africa over the past 17,000 years. Nature 480 509 - 512
Durrheim RJ, Dirks PHGM, Nyblade AA, Graham G, Webb SJ, Jones MQW 2009. AfricaArray: Aims, achievements and future activities. 2009 59 - 63
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AfricaArray Aim_achievements and future activities.pdf 180.62 KB
Carruthers RM, Greenwood PG 1973. Geophysical surveys in the Okavango Delta.