
The study of the classification, description, nature, origin, and development of present landforms and their relationships to underlying structures, and of the history of geologic changes as recorded by these surface features. (Source: BJGEO)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 136 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Livingstone I 2003. A twenty-one-year record of surface change on a Namib linear dune. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28 (9) 1025-1031
Cornet T, Bourgeois O, Le Mouelic S, Rodriguez S, Lopez Gonzales T, Sotin C, Tobie G, Fleurant C, Barnes JW, Brown RH, Baines KH, Buratti BJ, Clark RN, Nicholson PD 2012. Geomorphological significance of Ontario Lacus on Titan: Integrated interpretation of Cassini VIMS, ISS and RADAR data and comparison with the Etosha Pan (Namibia). Icarus 218 (2) 788-806
Livingstone I, Bristow C, Bryant RG, Bullard J, White K, Wiggs GFS, Baas ACW, Bateman MD, Thomas DSG 2010. The Namib Sand Sea digital database of aeolian dunes and key forcing variables. Aeolian Research 2 (2-3) 93-104
Allanson BR, Hart RC, O'Keeffe JH, Robarts RD 1989. The regional limnology of southern Africa. Inland Waters of Southern Africa: An Ecological Perspective 64 27-62
Watson I, Lemon RR 1985. Geomorphology of a Coastal Desert: The Namib, South West Africa/Namibia. Journal of Coastal Research 1 (4) 329 - 342
Jacobson PJ, Jacobson KM, Angermeier PL, Cherry DS 1999. Transport, retention, and ecological significance of woody debris within a large ephemeral river. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 18 (4) 429 - 444
Gumbricht T, McCarthy TS, Merry CL 2001. The topography of the Okavango Delta, Botswana, and its tectonic and sedimentological implications. South African Journal of Geology 104 243 - 264
Scholz H 1968. Die Böden der Wüste Namib/Südwestafrika. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 119 (2) 91-107
Watson A 1979. Gypsum crusts in deserts. Journal of Arid. Journal of Arid Environments 2 (1) 3-21
Ward JD 1984. A reappraisal of the cenozoic stratigraphy in the Kuiseb valley of the central Namib desert. Proceedings of an International Symposium by the South African Society for Quaternary Research. Late Cainozoic palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere 455-464
Lancaster IN 1974. Pans of the southern Kalahari. Botswana Notes and Records 6 157-169
Binnie SA, Walcott RC, Dunai TJ, Summerfield MA 2008. New approaches to analysing landscape development: Some contributions from Edinburgh. Scottish Geographical Journal (Special Issue: Geography's Hundred: A Special Issue to Mark the Centenary of Geography at the University of Edinburgh, 1908–2008) 124 (2-3) 140-153
Livingstone I, Baas A, Bateman MD, Bristow C, Bryant RG, Bullard JE, Nield JM, Thomas DSG, White KH, Wiggs GFS 2014. A prospectus for future geomorphological investigation of the Namib Sand Sea. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa