
Nucleated usually filamentous, sporebearing organisms devoid of chlorophyll. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 35 of 35 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Jacobson K 1994. Fungi in the desert. Namib Bulletin 11 9-12
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Jacobson K, van Diepeningen A, Evans S, Fritts R, Gemmel P, Marsho C, Seely M, Wenndt A, Yang X, Jacobson P 2015. Non-Rainfall Moisture Activates Fungal Decomposition of Surface Litter in the Namib Sand Sea. Plos ONE 10 (5) e0126977
Jacobson KM, Jacobson PJ, Miller OK 1993. The mycorrhizal status of Welwitschia mirabilis. Mycorrhiza 3 (1) 13-17
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Uhlmann E, Görke C, Petersen A, Oberwinkler F 2006. Arbuscular mycorrhizae from arid parts of Namibia. Journal of Arid Environment 64 (2) 221 - 237
Ritschel A, Berndt R, Oberwinkler F 2007. New observations of rust fungi (Uredinales) from northern Namibia. Mycological Progress 6 (3) 137 - 150
Ciccarone C, Rambelli A 1998. A study on micro-fungi in arid areas. Notes on stress-tolerant fungi. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology: Official Journal of the Societa Botanica Italiana 132 (1) 17-20
Jacobson K 1996. Macrofungal ecology in the Namib desert: a fruitful or futile study?. McIlvainea (12) 21-32
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van der Westhuizen GCA, Eicker A 1991. The 'Omajowa' or 'Termitenpilz', Termitomyces sp. (Agaricales) of Namibia. South African Journal of Botany (57) 67-70
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The Omajowa or Termitenpilz of Namibia.pdf 6.36 MB
Rheeder JP, Sydenham EW, Marasas WFO, Thiel PG, Shephard GS, Schlechter M, Stockenstrom S, Cronje DW, Viljoen JH 1995. Fungal infestation and mycotoxin contamination of South African commercial maize harvested in 1989 and 1990. South African Journal of Science (91) 127-131
Brusse FA 1986. A new species of Pertusaria (P. salax Brusse). Bothalia (16) 57-58
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A new species of Pertusaria.pdf 453.75 KB
Crous PW, Cowan DA, Maggs-Kölling G, Yilmaz N, Larsson E, Angelini C, Brandrud TE, Dearnaley JDW, Dima B, Dovana F, Fechner N, García D 2020. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1112–1181. Persoonia 45 (1) 251-409
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Fungal Planet description sheets_1112_1181.pdf 42.25 MB
Ramond J-B, Baxter J, Maggs-Kölling G, Martinez-Alvarez L, Read DA, León-Sobrino C, van der Walt AJ, Cowan DA 2019. Microbial ecology of the Namib Desert. Model Ecosystems in Extreme Environments: Astrobiology Exploring Life on Earth and Beyond 113-143
Jacobson KM 1997. Fungal ecology in the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 20 (1) 149-155
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Fungal ecology in the Etosha National Park.pdf 1.09 MB