forest resource assessment

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 68 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bodart C, Brink AB, Donnay F, Lupi A, Mayaux P, Achard F 2013. Continental estimates of forest cover and forest cover changes in the dry ecosystems of Africa between 1990 and 2000. Journal of Biogeography 40 (6) 1036-1047
Barnes JI, MacGregor J, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI 2010. The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts. Development Southern Africa 27 (2) 159-176
Barnes JI, MacGregor JJ, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI 2010. The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts. Development Southern Africa 27 (2) 159 - 176
Barrow E, Kamugisha-Ruhombe J, Nhantumbo I, Oyono R, Savadogo M 2016. Who owns Africa's forests? Exploring the impacts of forest tenure reform on forest ecosystems and livelihoods. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods (25) 132-156
Barnes JI, MacGregor JJ, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI 2010. The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts. Development Southern Africa 27 (2) 159-176
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2020. Global forest resources assessment 2020 - Key findings.
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Global Forest Resource Assessment 2020.pdf 2.44 MB
Chakanga M, Korhonen K, Selänniemi T 1998. Forest inventory report of Caprivi Region.
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Forest_Inventory_Report_of_Caprivi_Region_1998.pdf 1.58 MB
Chakanga M, Selänniemi T, Korhonen K 1998. Forest inventory report of Ogandjera Community Forest.
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Forest_Inventory_Report_of_Ongandjera_Community_Forest_1998.pdf 541.74 KB
Kanime N, Laamanen R, Angombe S 2002. Inventory report Otjituuo Concession Forest.
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Inventory_Report_for_Otjituuo_Concession_Forest_2002_Kanime.pdf 934.59 KB
Kanime N, Laamanen R 2002. Mashare Forest Inventory Report.
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Mashare_Forest_Inventory_Report_2002_Kanime_and_Laamanen.pdf 927.43 KB
Ollikainen T 1991. Study on wood consumption in Namibia.
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Study on wood consumption in Namibia_1991.pdf 1.65 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 1997. The National Forest Inventory of Namibia - Sytem Description.
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The national forest inventory of Namibia_1997.pdf 2.56 MB
Caprivi State Forest - Executive Summary.
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Caprive Static Forest.pdf 2.05 MB