
1) The study of the mass aspects of disease. 2) The study of the occurrence and distribution of disease and injury specified by person, place, and time. (Source: MGH / KOREN)

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Displaying results 1 - 13 of 13 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Lindeque PM, Turnbull PCB 1994. Ecology and epidemiology of anthrax in the Etosha National Park, Namibia. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 61 (1) 71 - 83
Tatem AJ, Adamo S, Bharti N, Burgert CR, Castro M, Dorelien A, Fink G, Linard C, Mendelsohn J, Montana L, Montgomery MR, Nelson A, Noor AM, Pindolia D, Yetman G, Balk D 2012. Mapping populations at risk: improving spatial demographic data for infectious disease modeling and metric derivation. Population Health Metrics 10 (8)
Baines L, Morgan ER, Ofthilfe M, Evans K 2015. Occurrence and seasonality of internal parasite infection in elephants, Loxodonta africana, in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 4 (1) 43-48
2002. 6.24 Who has died of AIDS?.
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Fig 6.24 Who has died of AIDS.zip 143.89 KB
2002. 6.22 HIV infection rates.
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Fig 6.22 HIV infection rates.zip 143.89 KB
2002. 6.20 The incidence of diarrhoea.
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Fig 6.20 The incidence of diarrhoea.zip 143.89 KB
Müller T, Hassel R, Jago M, Khaiseb S, van der Westhuizen J, Vos A, Calvelage S, Fischer S, Marston DA, Fooks AR, Höper D, Freuling CM 2022. Rabies in kudu: Revisited. Advances in Virus Research 112 115-173
Laurenson K, Esterhuysen J, Stander P, van Heerden J 1997. Aspects of rabies epidemiology in Tsumkwe District, Namibia. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 64 (1) 39-45
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Aspects of rabies epidemiology in Tsumkwe District_Namibia_1997.pdf 228.09 KB
Gowtage-Sequeira S, Banyard AC, Barrett T, Buczkowski H, Funk SM, Cleaveland S 2009. Epidemiology, pathology, and genetic analysis of a canine distemper epidemic in Namibia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45 (5) 1008-1020