energy management

The administration or handling of power derived from sources such as fossil fuel, electricity and solar radiation. (Source: RHW / FFD)

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Displaying results 1 - 14 of 14 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
de Vita G, Endresen K, Hunt LC 2005. An Empirical Analysis of Energy Demand in Namibia. Energy Policy 34 (18) 3447-3463
Schultz R, Schumann C 2007. Off-Grid Energisation Master Plan For Namibia.
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Off-Grid Masterplan 2007.pdf 646.63 KB
Ruppel OC, Katoole MS 2023. A regulatory green hydrogen framework for Namibia.
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A regulatory green hydrogen framework for Namibia.pdf 1.46 MB
Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) 2017. National Energy Policy.
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National Energy Policy_2017.pdf 2.91 MB
2017. Nampower substations December 2017.
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Attachment Size 9.23 KB
substations_2017.kml 256.29 KB