contaminated soil

Soil which because of its previous or current use has substances under, on or in it which, depending upon their concentration and/or quantity, may represent a direct potential or indirect hazard to man or to the environment. (Source: GRAHAW)

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Displaying results 1 - 5 of 5 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Uushona D, Makuti O, Marquard A, Uushona M 2014. Mudumu landscape semi-controlled landfill site simplified waste disposal site design.
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Mudumu_Landscape_Semi-Controlled_Landfill_Site.pdf 1.19 MB
Kribek B, Majer V, Knésl I, Keder J, Mapani B, Kamona F, Mihaljevic M, Ettler V, Penížek V, Vanek A, Sracek O 2016. Contamination of soil and grass in the Tsumeb smelter area, Namibia: Modeling of contaminants dispersion and ground geochemical verification. Applied Geochemistry 64 75-91
Grösslová Z, Vanek A, Oborná V, Mihaljevic M, Ettler V, Trubač J, Drahota P, Penížek V, Pavlů L, Sracek O, Kribek B, Voegelin A, Göttlicher J, Drábek O, Tejnecký V, Houška J, Mapani B, Zádorová T 2018. Thallium contamination of desert soil in Namibia: Chemical, mineralogical and isotopic insights. Environmental Pollution (239) 272-280
Kribek B, Majer V, Pasava J, Knésl I, Kamona F, Mapani B, Mwiya S, Kawali L, Kandjii I, Keder J 2014. Impact of ore processing on the environment in the Tsumeb area, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 15 (v) 111-116
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Impact of ore processing on the environment in the Tsumeb area.pdf 1.78 MB