competition (biological)

The simultaneous demand by two or more organisms or species for an essential common resource that is actually or potentially in limited supply. (Source: LBC)

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Displaying results 1 - 7 of 7 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Périquet S, Valeix M, Claypole J, Drouet-Hoguet N, Salnicki J, Mudimba S, Revilla E, Fritz H 2015. Spotted hyaenas switch their foraging strategy as a response to changes in intraguild interactions with lions. Journal of Zoology 297 245-254
Kambatuku JR, Cramer MD, Ward D 2011. Savanna tree-grass competition is modified by substrate type and herbivory. Journal of Vegetation Science 2 225-237
Balme GA, Pitman RT, Robinson HS, Miller JRB, Funston PJ, Hunter LTB 2017. Leopard distribution and abundance is unaffected by interference competition with lions. Behavioral Ecology 28 (5) 1348-1358