A collection of leaves of paper, parchment or other material, usually bound or fastened together within covers, containing writing of any type or blank pages for future inscription. (Source: CCL / RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 25 of 25 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Schmidt S 1997. Die Schwalbe und der Falke. Lanioturdus 30 (3) 8-9
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The Swallow and the Falcon_1997.pdf 153.76 KB
Osborne T 2006. Birds of southern Africa - a review. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 16-18
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Birds of southern Africa_a review 2006.pdf 238.15 KB
Brown LH, Urban EK, Newman K 1982. The Birds of Africa. 1
Ginn PJ, McIlleron WG, Milstein P le S 1989. Complete book of South African birds.
Curtis B, Mannheimer C 2005. Tree Atlas of Namibia.
Bannister A, Gordon R, Johnson P 1978. Namibia: Africa's harsh paradise. 1st - edition
Olivier W, Olivier S 1993. Visitors guide to Namibia.
Stokes T, Shackleton K 1968. Birds of the Atlantic Ocean.
McLachlan GR, Liversidge R 1978. Roberts birds of South Africa.
Zimmermann I 2008. Book Review - Grasses of Namibia. Müller, M.A.N. (revised and updated by van Eck, J.) 2007. Dinteria 30 137-138
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Book Review_Grasses of Namibia_2008.pdf 151.17 KB
Robertson T 2013. 111 Roadside Plants [Antje Burke] - Book Review. Dinteria 33 (2-2) 77
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Roadside Plants.pdf 27.03 KB
Brown CJ 1985. Review: Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa. Lanioturdus 21 (1) 5 - 6
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Review_Roberts Birds of Southern Africa.pdf 265.47 KB
Brooke RK 1984. South African Red Data Book - birds.
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South African Red Data Book_1984.pdf 8.46 MB
Wesuls D, Naumann C, Limpricht C 2009. Book Review: Common Plants in the Rehoboth Area - A farmer's field guide. Dinteria 31 67
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Common Plants in the Rehoboth Area_2009_10.pdf 181.83 KB
Siegfried WR, Frost PGH, Cooper J, Kemp AC 1976. South African Red Data Book - Aves.. South African National Science Programmes Report 7 1 - 108
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South African Red Data Book_Aves.pdf 1.83 MB