distribution area

1) The overall geographical distribution of a talon. 2) The range occupied by a community or other group. (Source: LBC)

The listing below shows all records tagged with this term.

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 1325 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
1997. The Pavlovian phenomenon (Another Windhoek garden list). Lanioturdus 30 (4) 32-37
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The Pavlovian phenomenon_Another Windhoek garden list.pdf 240.35 KB
McGivern D 1997. Von Bach Dam bird list. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 21
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Von Bach Dam bird list.pdf 152.05 KB
Hines C, Coy A, Coy E, Parker S, Figaji T, Samwena P 1997. A rash of rarities: Birding at Impalila Island and along the Zambezi River. Lanioturdus 30 (4) 8-16
Duffield-Harding R, Duffield-Harding J, Friederich T, Stringer J 1999. Namushasha and the Kwando River: The Bird Club long weekend field trip. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 29-33
Osborne T, Osborne L 1999. Namibrand Game Ranch trip report. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 28-29
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Namibrand Game Ranch trip report.pdf 143.25 KB
Duffield-Harding J, Osborne T 1999. West Etosha Bird Monitoring Project. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 23-28
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West Etosha Bird Monitoring Project.pdf 396.3 KB
Nebe B 1999. Unusual birds on the coast. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 20-23
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Unusual birds on the coast.pdf 223.86 KB
Robel D 1999. Damarasegler (Apus bradfieldi) in Windhoek - Brutvögel in Bäumen. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 12-14
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Damarasegler in Windhoek_Brutvoegel in Baeumen_1999.pdf 226.14 KB
Hines C 1999. Short notes. Lanioturdus 32 (1) 32-38
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Short notes 32_1_1999.pdf 353.49 KB
Boix-Hinzen C, Jacot A 1999. The counts of Monte Cristo. Lanioturdus 32 (1) 28-31
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The counts of Monte Cristo.pdf 237.35 KB
Boix-Hinzen C 1999. Interesting bird sightings from Daan Viljoen Game Reserve. Lanioturdus 32 (1) 24-27
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Interesting bird sightings from Daan Viljoen Game Reserve.pdf 220.41 KB
Brell B, Brell E 1999. Birding on the Farm Rustig, Kamanjab District. Lanioturdus 32 (1) 18-19
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Birding on the Farm Rustig_Kamanjab District_1999.pdf 136.06 KB
Paxton M, Sheehan L 1999. January wetland bird count in the Mahango Game Reserve, Kavango. Lanioturdus 32 (1) 15-18
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January wetland bird count in the Mahango Game Reserve_Kavango.pdf 291.82 KB
Friederich GR, Friederich MG 1998. Raptors on our rounds. Lanioturdus 31 (3) 18-20
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Raptors on our rounds.pdf 219.78 KB
1998. Short notes. Lanioturdus 31 (3) 13-14
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Short notes_31_3_1998.pdf 217.72 KB
Ludwig T 1998. Easter weekend on Tsutsab. Lanioturdus 31 (3) 12-13
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Easter weekend on Tsutsab_1998.pdf 139.64 KB
Pollard CJW 1998. Lesser Blue-eared Starling in Mahango Game Reserve. Lanioturdus 31 (3) 3
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Lesser Blue_eared Starling in Mahango Game Reserve.pdf 124.86 KB
Osborne T, Osborne L 1998. Etosha bird notes. Lanioturdus 31 (2) 23-25
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Etosha bird notes_1998.pdf 218.81 KB
Hines C 1998. Short notes. Lanioturdus 31 (2) 21-23
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Short notes_31_2_1998.pdf 297.24 KB
Kaestner PG 1998. Walvis Bay - Birds for everyone. Lanioturdus 31 (2) 2-12
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Walvis Bay_Birds for everyone.pdf 568.35 KB
Versveld F, Swanepoel W 1998. Sandveld wegbreek. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 36-41
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Sandveld wegbreek.pdf 334.48 KB
Simmons R 1998. World record Terns at Sandwich?. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 23-26
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World record Terns at Sandwich.pdf 338.19 KB
Kaestner PG 1998. Identifying immature Plovers on the coast: Do Kentish Plovers occur in Namibia?. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 22-23
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Do Kentish Plovers occur in Namibia.pdf 160.3 KB
Hines C, Mendelsohn J 1998. Whitebellied Korhaan in Namibia: A first record from the Andoni grasslands. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 19-21
Osborne TO 1998. Suspended breeding: Effects of the current drought in Etosha. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 17-19
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Suspended breeding_Effects of the current drought in Etosha.pdf 238.16 KB
Boix-Hinzen C 1998. Canned Hornbills in Daan Viljoen Game Reserve. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 11-14
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Canned Hornbills in Daan Viljoen Game Reserve.pdf 313.18 KB
Friederich G 1998. Vogelbeobachtung auf Farm Tsutsab. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 3-8
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Vogelbeobachtung auf Farm Tsutsab_1998.pdf 406.49 KB
Duffield-Harding J 1998. Tsaobis Leopard Park field trip. Lanioturdus 31 (4) 23-24
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Tsaobis Leopard Park field trip.pdf 226.83 KB
Mendelsohn J 1998. Albino Gabar Goshawk in Windhoek. Lanioturdus 31 (4) 22
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Albino Gabar Goshawk in Windhoek_1998.pdf 136.79 KB
1998. Short notes. Lanioturdus 31 (4) 21
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Short notes_31_4_1998.pdf 212.46 KB
Hines C 1998. Birding down under. Lanioturdus 31 (4) 11-17
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Birding down under_1998.pdf 362.96 KB
Joubert DF 2005. Raptor road counts with students at Polytechnic of Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 46-49
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Raptor road counts with students at Polytechnic of Namibia.pdf 228.15 KB
Braine S 2005. The need for resurrecting raptor road counts. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 45-46
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The need for resurrecting raptor road counts.pdf 219.49 KB
Komen J, Komen E 1987. Ekongoro - a veritable birding paradise. Lanioturdus 22 84 - 85
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Ekongoro bird paradise 1987.pdf 196.55 KB
Mendelsohn J, Brown C, Mendelsohn M, Diekmann M 2005. Observations on the movement of adult Cape Vultures in central Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 16-20
Bridgeford P, Bridgeford M, Dürr M 2005. Monitoring and ringing Lappet-faced Vultures in the Namib 1991-2004. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 9-12
Bridgeford P, Heinrich D 2005. White-backed vulture ringing on commercial farms. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 13-15
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White_backed vulture ringing on commercial farms.pdf 238.58 KB
Bridgeford P, Bridgeford M 2005. Status of vultures in Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 1-7
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Status of vultures in Namibia.pdf 354.07 KB
Sivhute V, Cunningham PL, Adank W, Alberts A 2005. Wattled Crane Grus carunculata numbers, habitat use and diet in Bushmanland. Lanioturdus 38 (2) 13-19
Boorman M 2005. First record of Lesser Crested Tern for Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (2) 10-12
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First record of Lesser Crested Tern for Namibia.pdf 225.68 KB
Boix-Hinzen C, Fulton I, Anderson J, Aspinal T 2005. Thick-billed Cuckoo at Shakawa Fishing Lodge, Botswana. Lanioturdus 38 (2) 8-10
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Thick_billed Cuckoo at Shakawa Fishing Lodge_Botswana.pdf 241.5 KB
Komen J 1987. New wintering records for the Sooty Falcon in southwestern Africa. Madoqua 15 (1) 83 - 86
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Komen_1987_Madoqua_15_1_Sooty_Falcon.pdf 416.54 KB
Cunningham P 2005. African Green Pigeon distribution. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 16
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African Green Pigeon distribution_2005.pdf 142.19 KB
Swanepoel W 2005. Cape Eagle Owl near Kunene River. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 3-4
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Cape Eagle Owl near Kunene River.pdf 300.86 KB