
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan of Orange River Life of Mines Extension Project, Sendelingsdrif. Project description. Draft Scoping Report, December 2010

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Namdeb started mining gravel deposits in the Orange River Mining Licence (ML42) area at Auchas, 30 km north east from Oranjemund, in 1991. Daberas is the largest resource in the ML42 area and located +-15km north east of Auchas. Mining operations were moved to Daberas in 1999 following the completed sampling campaign in 1995. The current end of life of mine of the Daberas operation is estimated for the middle of 2013. More deposits in the ML42 area are presently under investigation for future mining post Daberas, the most significant being the Sendelingsdrif (second largest deposit of the area) and Obib deposits (Figure 3.1). Sampling and planning of mining operations is undertaken individually for each of these deposits. An infield screening plant and a sampling treatment plant (OREX) were relocated to the area in 1996. The current Sendelingsdrif sampling programme is ISO 14001 certified.

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