
Northwestern Namibia Desert-Dwelling Elephant and Giraffe Project. September 2004, Collaring/De-Collaring Exercise, Trip Report

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The elephant recovery and collaring exercise was successful in both Hobatere and Purros areas, with down times between 7 and 40 minutes. In the Hobatere Game Park area, four large males (approximate ages 25 to 45) were collared with one female elephant (approximately 25 years old) collar recovered. While in the Purros area one adult male was re-collared and three collars recovered, two males (between approximately 15 and 50 years of age) and one female (approximately 25 years of age) were recovered. Two giraffe collars were recovered. One was recovered in the Purros area and the other in the Hoanib River. The collared recovered in the Purros area was found in the veld and the collar from the Hoanib River was recovered from a giraffe near the Mudurib bore hole.

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