
Land Reform in Namibia: Motor or Obstacle of Democratic Development. Paper presented at a Meeting on Land Reform in Southern Africa: Motor of Obstacle of Democratic Development

Publication Year:

Land reform in Namibia is widely regarded as a prerequisite for successful rural development, and hence, poverty alleviation. Access to land is seen as necessary for the provision of opportunities to sustainable means of livelihoods and the enhancement of dignity, well-being and economic empowerment of previously disadvantaged groups and communities (RoN 2001b: 14-11). This paper will look briefly at land reform in Namibia. It will start off by providing a brief description of land dispossession and poverty. The next section will situate land and agriculture in the wider Namibian economy and discuss the agricultural potential of land. A discussion of the policy and legal framework for land reform as well as the different components of the programme will conclude the paper. Keywords: land dispossession, poverty, land, agriculture, tenure reform, communal land.

Conference name:
Meeting on Land Reform in Southern Africa: Motor of Obstacle of Democratic Development
Held under the auspices of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin, 28 May 2003
Item Type:
Conference Paper
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