
Reproductive decisions in the Nama: coping with risk in an arid environment


This report is split into two Sections. Section 1 briefly outlines the findings of my primary area of research, namely the analysis of reproductive decisions in Nama pastoralists. Section 2 describes the findings of my secondary area of research into cultural phylogenies and cross-cultural analysis. I assume that the reader is familiar with my first- and second year progress reports, which describe how and why the project has developed in the way that it has since my initial grant application. In particular, my primary focus of risk-coping strategies and their influence on reproductive behavior among Nama women has become the role of kin-support networks, since such networks are acknowledged as playing a primary role in risk reduction in many societies (e.g. Weissner 1982, Cashdan 1985). With respect to the suggested ESRC End of Award Report headings, each Section contains within it the relevant summary Background, Objectives, Methods and Results, but due to the need for brevity and the interdisciplinary nature of this study this material has been integrated in the relevant sections (meanwhile, Activities, Outputs and Impacts are all currently in preparation).

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