240729004470: Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed establishment and installation of ML Trading Enterprise's 50 MW PV Solar Park on a 70 Ha at Kalkrand, Hardap Region
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ML Trading Enterprise T/A DanRe Sun (Pty) Ltd (herein referred to as the proponent), is a Namibian registered and owned solar energy company focused on green solutions for power generation. DanRe Sun is in the process of obtaining a license / approval from the Electricity Control Board of Namibia, to develop a 50 MW grid connected Photovoltaic Solar generating plant at Kalkrand in the Hardap Region. DanRe Sun (Pty) Ltd aims to develop the solar energy project using PV technology to generate electricity in Namibia. The project will help to decrease the country’s dependency on traditional forms of energy by increasing the availability and use of solar energy. The generated electricity will be injected into the national grid, to support the country in meeting its renewable energy target.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 12 August 2024

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