240214002818: Application for the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the continued operation of the Existing Retail Fuel Station at Ondalae Ya Elim Growth Point, Elim, Omusati Region
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ENGEN Namibia (Pty) Ltd is a leading marketer of liquid fuels and lubricants in the country. The company has invested in a number of retail fuel facilities across the length and breadth of the country. These facilities ensure self-sufficiency to ENGEN in terms of the supply of its products to its entire customer base, thus augmenting its supply chain. One such site is the Retail Fuel Station at Ondalae ya Elim Growth Point at Elim in Omusati Region. Ondalae ya Elim Growth Point Service Station installations were originally owned and operated by NAMFOCUS INVESTMENTS until ENGEN took over ownership of the installations. The existing service station possesses a valid Petroleum Retail License approved by the Ministry of Mines and Energy and a valid Business Registration Certificate. The service station operations are in accordance with Engen Namibia (Pty) Ltd policies and regulations. The service station is located in Elim. Omusati Region at the junction between the Oshakati-Okahao C41 Highway and the newly constructed D3615 road to Oshikuku. The site is found at coordinates Lat: -17.7885; Lon: 15.4777. The general amenities offered at the site consist mainly of the fuel facilities for the general public; off-loading of fuel from fuel tankers; a mini grocer, administration and control centre offices; ablution and change house facilities for consumers and staff. In terms of the Environmental Management Act 7 of 2007 (Government Notice No. 29), certain activities may not be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). This activity is included in the above-mentioned list. It is against this background that an ECC was applied for and obtained for this facility. The ECC is valid for a period of three (3) years and has since expired. Engen has thus appointed Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) to apply for an ECC, under its own name, on its behalf.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 9 July 2024

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