240319003092: Mining License (ML) No. 224, powerline, roads and water supply and other supporting infrastructures, Okahandja Area, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia
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The Renewed ECC is required by the Proponent (On Road Investments Pty Ltd) with respect to the proposed mining operations and ongoing exploration activities in the ML NO. 224. On-Road Investments (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent) holds subsurface minerals rights over the Elbe Copper-Zinc-(Silver) Mine under the Mining License (ML) No. 224 located in the Okahandja District, Otjozondjupa Region in central Namibia. The ML 224 was granted on the 29th January 2021 and expired on the 28th January 2036. The ML 224 is granted for the following commodity groups: Base and rare metals, dimension stone, industrial minerals, and precious metals. The ML 224 area totalling 7610 Ha covers mainly the privately owned commercial farmland of Farm Elbe 10 and part of Farm Ombujongupa 292. The Proponent intends to implement the preconstruction, construction, operation, ongoing monitoring and rehabilitation, decommissioning, closure and aftercare stages of the proposed Elbe Copper-Zinc-(Silver) Mine. The proposed mining, minerals processing, ongoing exploration and all the supporting infrastructural developmental activities are listed in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2012 and the Environmental Management Act, 2007, (Act No. 7 of 2007). The proposed project cannot be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) issued by the Environmental Commissioner in the Ministry of Environmental, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT). The ECC No. 01258 for the proposed mining operations was issued on the 18th March 2021 and expired on the 18th March 2024. This Updated EIA report has been prepared in order to support the application for the renewal of this ECC No. 01258. The following is the summary of the proposed Elbe Copper-Zinc-(Silver) Mine: 1. Ore Reserve - According to van Vuuren (2020), the Run of Mine (ROM) reserve is 2,946 Mt at an average grade of 1,06 percent Copper, 0,58 percent Zinc and 7,07 grams per ton of Silver. The Reserves are classified as Probable Reserves. 2. Mining Method - According to van Vuuren (2020), the underground mining process will utilise the already existing two service declines with an additional ventilation rises providing supplementary airways. The nature of the orebody lends itself to mining via sub-level caving. Access to the underground workings will be through 3 declines that have already been partially mined. One of these declines will be used as conveyor decline to be used to transport the ore and waste out of the mine. The other two declines will be used for the transport of men and material. 3. Minerals Processing - According to Robertson and Ilunga (2020), the Run of Mine (ROM) will be undertaken at a feed grade of 1.42 % Cu and 1.09 % Zn is fed into the feed bin fitted with a 250 mm static grizzly. From here, the ROM is extracted by a primary vibrating grizzly cutting at 50 mm. The vibrating grizzly oversize is crushed by the primary jaw crusher to a P80 of 50 mm and discharges onto the primary stockpile feed conveyor together with the primary vibrating grizzly undersize. This crushed ore is conveyed to the surface and stored on the primary stockpile with a residence time of 24 hours. The mine ore will go through the primary crusher for sorting and sizing and then feed into the secondary and tertiary crushers. This will be followed by milling and classification for separate lines of copper and zinc conditioning and flotation for copper and zinc concentrate thickening to extract copper and zinc concentrate cakes. The Cu-Zn concentrator is designed to treat 360,000 t/a of ROM at a head grade of 1.42 %Cu and 1.16 % Zn, producing 14,722 t/a of copper concentrate at a grade of 29.7 % Cu and 3,733 t/a of Zinc concentrate at a grade of 53.4 % Zn. 4. Road – Access to the ML area is through the B1 Road to Swakopmund for about 35 km from Okahandja, followed by a left turn-off into the gravel road D2192. The left side main gate to the old mine access road leading to the western boundary Farm Elbe 10 and situated about 12 km south from the B1 turnoff along the gravel road D2192. Alternatively, the ML area can also be accessed via the M87 Road leading to Gross Barmen Hot Springs linking into the D1972 connecting to the D2192. The main gate leading to the old mine along the 2192 road can be reached via a 12 km north bound trail at Klein Barmen. 5. Rail - Rail service is available at a 1.067 m gauge line, is located some 21.0 km away at the Francois siding. This siding is located some 31 km west of Okahandja. 6. Energy -Fuel and other related products are available in Okahandja situated about 35 km to the east of the project area. According to Robertson and Ilunga (2020), the total power requirements of the concentrator had been determined as 4,599 kW. There is a 220 kV powerline line that cut across the ML area over the Farm Elbe 10 towards a NamPower Substation location about 20 km to south of the ML area, and. 7. Water -Water for mining and minerals processing would come from the local boreholes with other external sources as they become available. 8. Services - Services such as banking, retail as well as related requirements are available in the Town of Okahandja situated 28 km to east of Elbe. Other mine support services such as housing of mine workers will also be provided in Okahandja, hence there is no need to construct a mine settlement on Farm Elbe. A mechanical service workshop will be located onsite. 9. Job Creation - The project has good potential for job creation however, the total number of people who could be employed during the construction and operational phases have not yet been established. It’s estimated that 2000 indirect and direct job opportunities may be created during construction and operation phases respectively, although these number will need to be confirmed during the feasibility stage, and. 10. Economic Assessment: According to van Vuuren (2020), the Elbe Polymetallic Project at this stage has an IRR of 20 percent and an NPV of NAD 329 million, with a Life-of-Mine of approximately ten years. The Capital spend over the Life-of-Mine is NAD 627 million at an operating cost of NAD 586 per ton of ore produced.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 24 May 2024

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